Page 90 of Giving Up

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A shiver of stress and excitement runs through me. I wipe my clammy hands against my kit and grab my stick. The adrenaline running through my veins at the idea of playing hard against N.S. High is making me giddy.

“White,” Coach calls Rose. “Duke’s scouts watched the game against St Anne. They asked about you and they’re coming to see this game. They’re coming to watchyou. No fuck ups.”

Rose nods repeatedly. “No fuck ups, Coach.”

A bell rings in the locker room, indicating we have to make our way to the field.

“Showtime!” Coach T. shouts as he claps his hands a couple of times.

I watch my girls grab their sticks and turn to me. Lacrosse games are the only moments Stoneview students see me as more than Goody, and I am ready to destroy N.S. High with them. It’s not just about winning the tournament, being the third day, it’s now the weekend and families have driven down to watch the last two days. This is our penultimate game and the bleachers outside are packed with other teams, families, coaches, scouts, and locals.

“Time to show them who’s boss, ladies,” I smile as some girls start shouting encouragement to each other.

I hold the door open for them and they all go out, each one hitting my stick in the process as a replacement for a high five.

The rain hitting against my cheeks as we huddle up on the sideline feels like needles. I know the ten minutes we have for halftime are going to fly by and I calm everyone down as Coach enters our circle.

“Clayton, are you okay?” he checks as she sits down on the wet grass to check her knees. Billie tackled her hard enough to make her slip knees first on the floor.

“Fine,” she mumbles but everyone’s eyes grow wide as we watch her bloody knees.

“Not fine. Stuart, you’re on. Bailey,” he shouts at Ciara. “Are you fucking drunk or something? You let their center go past you six fucking times! White, that’s not how you’re going to impress Duke. Get your shit together.” He turns to me. “Pass the ball, Williams. If I see you try to sprint past their defense one more time you’re out. It’s impossible, so pass. The. Fucking. Ball.”

My mouth falls slack. Okay, maybe I have been raging against Billie for the first half of the game, but she’s a damn monster. She fouls, she mocks, and she’s really good, which makes the whole thing worse.

Every time I win the draw and try to make a run from center to goal, she’s on me like glue. But what is really making me lose my mind is when we’re face to face, and she’s close enough to throw Jake’s name at me.

He was in my room last night.

Don’t you just love sucking his dick?

He’s so big it was practically impossible to take him in the ass.

Of course I’m going to be destabilized, and she knows it.

Jake and I haven’t spoken in three days, since he and his friend came to my room. Has he really been with Billie since then?

The whistle calls the one minute until the end of halftime and Coach finishes his talk with the girls who are now coming on the field.

I settle on my spot in the center of the field and press my stick against my opponent, the ball the only thing separating them. Evans, number 20, the feared center. She was on the sideline the first half of the game and I’m worried her presence on the field will be my demise. They’re currently winning by four points. It’s far from impossible to catch up, but North Shore girls are really damn tough.

We watch the ref put the whistle in her mouth, ready for the awaited sound.

“I eat Stoneview girls for breakfast, bitch. You don’t stand a fucking chance.”

The whistle blows and I lose my first draw of the game.

“Fuck,” I curse as I go after her. I’m really not used to losing draws and she’s too fast for me. No one on my team has time to get in front of her and she scores before I reach her. The walk back to center for the second draw is embarrassing. Especially because everyone at the tournament is watching this like it’s the game of the century.

I lose three draws before I finally manage to win the ball and boy does it feel good to finally catch up. Rose scores the next seven goals like it’s the easiest thing in the world for her. Coach is right, I should pass the ball.

The problem with finally being tied to N.S. High is that their defense starts getting nastier.

Billie and her teammate double team me and my ass ends up on the muddy ground. I lose the ball, but Rose is right behind and scoops it up in her stick. The following second, she scores from so far everyone on the bleachers gets up as they scream in shock and encouragement. She helps me up from the ground and turns to Billie.

“Crazy thing you might want to know, Billie,” Rose tells her with her smug winner smile. “Being a good player works even better than foul play.”

“Fucking bitch,” Billie spits as she comes dangerously close to Rose. She takes a threatening stance before talking again. “You think I care about kicking your ass in front of a crowd? You won’t be much of a problem for me without your brothers around.”

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