Page 7 of Giving Away

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“No,” I shake my head. “There is no way you’re getting involved in this.”

Especially with how he got with Dimitri. I might hate Jake but the deepest, darkest part of me also likes him and cares for him and I don’t want to see him get hurt.

“No? Did I sound like you had a say in this?”

“You’re not getting involved in this,” I repeat with a voice of steel.

Why am I protecting Jake? After everything he’s done, all the humiliation. He ripped panties off me, he brought Camila’s wrath on me, they destroyed the café where I work. He threatened me, blackmailed me, he put a gun to my face, he’s ruining my senior year completely. Worse, he made me feel good when I wanted so badly not to feel anything. He pushed pleasure on me I didn’t want or expect, turned my body against my mind.

And I liked it.

“Don’t worry, I don’t need your help. I’ll find him.”

“Nathan,” I scold.

He goes around me to leave the room and I grab his arm.

“You can’t do that! I’m asking you to respect my choice. I don’t want this to go any further.”

He turns around suddenly and grabs my shoulders. “He hurt you, Jamie. Do you understand that? This is not some high school fun. You’re bruised and hurt. Anyone who touches my girl faces the consequences. Period.”

“What did you say to him yesterday? When you left the car?”

“Nothing!” he exclaims. “I was stupid, I asked why he was running after you and he said he wanted to check if you were okay.” He starts pacing the room. “Why didn’t you say anything there and then, I would have done something!”

“I kissed him,” I admit.

There’s a long, blood-freezing silence and I can’t seem to be able to breathe.

“Last night?” he asks for confirmation.

I nod.

“Yeah, well looking at your state, forgive me if I still think it’s all on him,” he growls.

“I let him kiss me, Nathan, I-I pushed him away but only after I let him close,” I say as a sob wrecks my chest. I can’t describe it, it simply breaks my heart to break his heart.

Jake might have done his worst to me, but there are times I could have pushed him away and I didn’t. I enjoyed it instead.

“I sent the wrong signals,” I admit, wiping tears off my face.

“Guys like him will fuck with your head to get what they want, Jamie. But thanks for adding kissing my girl to the list of things I should fuck him up for.”

“Don’t do this. I’m the one who has to deal with him at school after you’ve nicely redone his face! I’m the one he’s going to come to for revenge. You can’t be with me at all times to stop that. Please, Nathan…you need to understand.”

If Nathan hurts him, Jake will hate me. I don’t want Jake to hate me. I don’t want Jake’s fury, I don’t want the true scary side of him.

I’m confused, is he not mad at me? I let Jake kiss me.

“Fuck. You’re scared of him,” he huffs in disbelief.

“Of course I am!” I shout. “He’s made my life a living hell since the beginning of the year!”

Jake scares me, that’s the most exciting thing between us. The unpredictability of it all while knowing that he likes me too much to truly hurt me.

“Then let me deal with him,” he hisses through gritted teeth.

I shake my head again. “No.”

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