Page 4 of Giving Away

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I bark out a laugh at his weak attempt to hurt me. “Someone’s sex must have been disappointing last night. Maybe try being a bottom?” I put my left hand on the small of his back and slide it to his back pocket. “A good dicking would help with all that frustration. It definitely helped me last night.”

“Rose,” he threatens in a low voice. He’s about to grab my hand but I retreat, holding the cigarette he had put at the back of his black jeans.

He doesn’t add anything, instead getting deeper in his broodiness. I roll my eyes and open the window on my side before lighting up the cigarette.

“Throw that fag away.” He grabs the cigarette and throws it out of the window.

“Sam! What the fuck is wrong with you today?” He’s starting to get on my nerves. He smokes like the fucking chimney of a nuclear plant and blackmails me into doing petty jobs for him, and now he wants to get on my back for threesomes and a cigarette?

He checks his phone again and runs a tattooed hand in his black hair. I decide to ignore him and plug my phone into the car. He eyes it suspiciously before focusing back on the road.

“Stop being weird,” I order.

It only takes us a minute or so to park on a street I’ve never been to before.

“We need to stop here. It’ll only be a minute.”

“Really?” I know he sees the anger in my eyes when I turn to him. “Didn’t I do enough fucking stops yesterday?”

“Yeah, well, it’s urgent.”

He goes silent again and I know there’s something he’s not telling me, but I let it slide.

I check the street; rows of rundown, small cottages and I have to do a double take.

“Are we in Stoneview?” I look outside his window and then the back window. Something isn’t right. I saw the sign that says ‘Welcome to Stoneview’ but I’ve never been to this part of town. It’s not North Shore of the Falls poor, but it’s definitely not Stoneview rich. Our town is a sheer contrast to NSF, where trailer parks and rundown bungalows are the best one will find. This is…in the middle?

Sam ignores my question as he gets out of the car.

Shit. Something really is wrong. He’s got his public personality on and I’ve got that terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. The same that used to live in me rent free before we moved to Stoneview.

I swallow the lump in my throat and put my brave face on. I just have to.

One stop and home, I keep repeating to myself as I grab my phone and open the car door, jumping out of his jeep. I finally manage to turn my phone on, but the piece of shit isn’t showing anything on the screen yet, taking ages to catch up with notifications, so I slip it in my back pocket.

Sam has stopped just in front of four steps that lead to one of the cottages. I catch up with him and it takes him a beat before he looks at me.

“Do you trust me?” he asks. Images of the number of times he’s asked me that flash in my mind.

When I was a child, it was always yes. ‘Yes, I trust you’. Yes, I’ll follow blindly like the fucking stupid, naïve kid I am. Since he’s barged back into our lives like a loose cannon, that answer changed. He wouldn’t know that though, because he hasn’t asked. He’s been here for a couple of months and hasn’t had the need to ask me. So why now?

“What are you doing, Sam? You better not be fucking me over.”

“Do you, Rose? Do you trust me?”

“What are you hiding?” My voice is low, vibrating at the bottom of my throat, giving it that huskiness everyone loves so much.

He gives up on getting an answer and takes the steps to the front porch. He waits until I’m right behind him to ring the bell.

I know I fucked up when, once he has rang, he takes a step back to stand behind me. He’s making sure I don’t turn around and leave, he’s making sure I’m stuck between him and whatever is behind that door. I know something is wrong when the phone in my back pocket won’t stop vibrating. Notifications after notifications make it go off non-stop.

I don’t have time to grab it, the door is already open.

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