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Chapter 3


It’sbeenacouple days since Rachel’s mom visited us unannounced. I think we’re all still reeling from it. I was surprised when I heard Sarah was trying to convince Rachel to give up our baby for adoption. The audacity of it made me want to punch a wall. Rachel is a grown woman. She can make up her own mind about what she wants. Not to mention, it’s not like the baby was conceived from a one-night stand. We all love Rachel. Sure, we don’t know who the father is, but that’s no big deal. No matter what, we will raise the child together. We’re one big family.

A stack of blocks being knocked over by a toddler breaks my thoughts, and I watch as a kid, sitting on the floor in front of it, breaks down into a fit of tears. His face is completely beet red as tears stream down his face. He opens his big mouth, one tooth dangling at the front, and lets out the most horrid, high-pitched scream I think I have ever heard.

“Oh, sweetie,” a mom says sweetly while rushing to her baby and scooping him off the ground. “It’s okay.” She shushes her son and bounces him up and down close to her chest, but it does nothing to stop the screaming.

My gaze slides to Rachel and I notice she’s watching me, waiting for me to say something. I have no words. All I know is that I don’t think I’m ready for this. My head is pounding from the screaming. I think sweat is dripping down my face. I need to keep a poker face about this. Rachel will read into whatever look I give her. Honestly, no one is ready to be a parent. That’s what I hear anyway when I eavesdrop into conversations about children. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to be a father. I just worry I am going to be terrible at it. My dad was…okay. He was a better role model than Seth’s father. And he was there for me more than Lucas’s. I think Alex lucked out with his parents. Maybe we can put him in charge.

“Are you okay?” Rachel whispers to me.

“Yeah, fine,” I say while forcing a smile.

Rachel takes my hand and laces her fingers with mine. She gives me a gentle squeeze. I came to this prenatal appointment to support her, but I feel like in reality she’s supporting me. Lucas went last time, which I think annoyed the crap out of her, which is why I volunteered this time. I’m starting to think Lucas is better for this job. Never mind the screaming toddler and all the women casting me side glances—I’m terrified we’re going to discover Rachel’s preeclampsia has worsened, or there’s another complication to deal with, or the baby is no longer healthy.

How does Lucas stay calm during all of this? I feel like I’m going to melt into the floor.

“Miss Rachel,” the nurse calls sweetly.

I jump out of my chair like I have just been called off a football bench by a coach. My chair scrapes against the floor and goes tumbling onto the ground. I grimace, and my face flushes in embarrassment. Several children laugh and point at me while their mothers try to calm them.

“Hunter,” Rachel whispers while easing herself out of her seat. “Seriously, are you okay?”

“Never better,” I say while grabbing my chair and righting it. “I guess we’d better get going.”

Rachel shoots me a look as I usher her into the doctor’s office, happy to be far away from the laughing kids and their curious mothers.

“Hi, Rachel,” Dr. Adams says while rising from her chair. “How are you doing today?”

I stand awkwardly near the door while watching the nurse guide Rachel toward the scale.

“Fine,” Rachel says while the nurse slides the weights back and forth. “A bit tired.”

Dr. Adams nods. “That’s to be expected. Have you been following the diet I gave you?”

I flinch when Dr. Adams turns toward me, as if she’s asking me.

“Yes,” Rachel says simply while the nurse guides her into a chair.

“Has she?” Dr. Adams asks with a stern look at me.

I bob my head. “Yes. We’ve been quite strict with her.”

Dr. Adams smiles. “Perfect. That’s exactly what I like to hear.”

It’s only been a couple days since Rachel was released from the hospital, so I don’t think I can see how sticking to a diet for two to three days will actually benefit her. If the doctor is happy, though, then I guess I should be happy too.

I watch the nurse take Rachel’s blood pressure, feeling my heart pounding in my ears. This is the moment of truth. If Rachel’s blood pressure is higher than it’s supposed to be, she will have to go back to the hospital. I watch the nurse jot a number down onto her clipboard before handing it to Dr. Adams.

Dr. Adams frowns and I feel like I’m about to faint as I wait for her to say something. Please, don’t have Rachel go back to the hospital. I don’t think my little heart can take it.

“Well, your blood pressure is better than before.”

Oh, thank fucking God. I release a breath and feel the blood returning back to my limbs. Rachel shares a smile with me, and I take her hand, giving her a gentle squeeze.

“But it is still a bit high. I think we can get it down a bit more.”

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