Page 84 of Finding Hope

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“Hmmm, I don’t think you actually said what it does to you.”

He laughed softly. “I said I was going to show you.”

After drying her midsection, Alex drew the towel down each arm, his lips never leaving hers, eyes closed. Hope reached up to hold on to the metal grab bar bolted to the ceiling of the canopy as he lowered to his knees, the waves crashing on the outer edge of the islet as she inhaled the salty air.

Running the towel down each leg to dry her, he planted a series of kisses across her lower stomach, slowly moving from one side to the other, the breeze cooling her wet skin as his tongue moved on.

Hope was on fire now, embers radiating throughout her body.

Alex stood back up and nuzzled her ear. “I noticed, you know.”


“The second time, on the beach. I got more out of it than you did. I intend to make up for that now.”

“Alex, it’s ok. I got every bit as much—”

He silenced her with a finger to her lips. “Hush.”

Alex lifted her against his stomach, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her underneath the canopy and lay her on her back on the side bench, climbing on top of her. He spent a long time with her breasts, investigating thoroughly.

Eyes closed, Hope reached above her head and grabbed both sides of the bench she lay on as he continued to move downward. She was making soft moaning sounds, but she didn’t care.

After that, she lost all conscious thought.

When she came back to herself, she was breathing in shuddering gasps. Alex climbed back up toward her head, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. He crushed his mouth to hers as he entered her powerfully. Hope arched her back, feeling the bolt of sensation as both her arms clenched his back.

There was no tenderness this time.

They crashed together again and again. Her climax built once more—this time Alex was right there with her. Biting down hard on his shoulder, she gripped his back as both of them gasped.

He collapsed on top of her as she wrapped one arm around his waist, holding him close to her while she stroked his hair. The sun descended toward the horizon as she pulled him to her as tightly as possible.

What happens now?

* * *

The mountains of St. Croix looked like brilliant emeralds in the late afternoon sun. Hope stood next to Alex as he drove the boat, cradled against his chest as he held her close with one arm.

She turned to the west with a jolt of alarm. The sun was near to setting.

“Alex, how close are we to home?”

He inspected the shore. “Less than ten minutes. We’re almost there.”

She glanced again at the sun. “Wait, what time is it? I put my watch away when we got on the boat in St. Thomas.”

“Yeah, so did I, and I silenced my phone. We’re pretty late.” Alex picked up his phone. “It’s almost six. And I’ve got three missed calls from Patti, and several texts.”

“Didn’t you say we’d be back by early afternoon? Oh, I think we’re in big trouble.” She started laughing.

He pulled her close for a kiss, his chest rumbling. “I think we got a little distracted. And I did warn you that swimming after lunch might be dangerous.”

“You did. Well, I can’t go back to the resort like this. Can you stop for a minute? I’m going to hop off the back and wash up a little.” Alex throttled down and put the boat in neutral. Hope removed her clothing, not wanting to get her swimsuit wet again now that it was nearly dry. “What about you?”

“Oh, definitely.”

Hope lowered herself into the water and resurfaced to find Alex right in front of her, drawing her into a tight embrace. She laughed and pushed him back. “Oh, no you don’t. We’re officially back on the clock now.”

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