Page 57 of Finding Hope

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The contrast between the black material and his tan skin and blue eyes made her tingle.

Alex searched around the table, skipping right past her to Sara and Tommy before he whipped his eyes back to her. He widened them and even from across the table, the blue irises allowed her to see his pupils dilating as he stared at her.

His gaze changed, and her body responded immediately. Before she knew what she was doing, Hope opened her mouth and touched the middle of her top lip with her tongue. Alex tightened his jaw and his chest expanded with a sharp inhale before a lazy smile spread across his face as their eyes held. Hope breathed hard, and Sara’s knee knocked hers under the table.

As Alex poured himself a glass of red wine, there was a lull in the conversation. He raised his glass. “Here’s to all the beautiful women we’re lucky enough to know.” Glasses clinked around the table with cheers.

Shortly after, the food came. Gerold had outdone himself with a traditional Cruzan dinner with haute cuisine touches. He served filet mignon but included a traditional roast goat for the more adventurous and even dressed up the rice and beans. Hope kept returning her gaze to Alex all evening. Each time, their eyes met. Either we’re catching each other’s eyes at the same time, or he’s been staring at me all night. The thought made the tingle come back.

She overheard Sara talking to Tommy. “What, she didn’t tell you?” Sara turned to Hope with a pout. “You didn’t tell these fine people I’m the reason you’re here?”

“Oh my God, I completely forgot! I haven’t said anything about this, have I?” Hope had the group’s attention now, with blank looks all around. “It’s true. I wouldn’t be here without Sara. It’s a funny story, but I didn’t tell it when I first got here because of all the turmoil with Steve’s leaving.”

“Oh, Hope, be quiet. You’re a ghastly storyteller.” Sara made eye contact with everyone at the table. “I happen to be the recipient of all my sister’s tales of woe. And tales of woe are one of Hope’s specialties. This past February was particularly horrible for her. First, she goes out to a lovely dinner with her boyfriend, who dumps her out of the blue.” Murmurs of sympathy followed this as Hope tried not to wince, a different flush rising.

“Anyway, a friend of mine had just returned from this lovely island, flush with information about the raffle. I suggested Hope enter it, loving sister that I am. She gave me a bunch of lame excuses and hung up. So, I went back to the lottery website and looked everything over.” Sara waved a finger around the table. “Making sure this was a legitimate enterprise, you know. Next, Hope got passed over for a promotion she was easily the best person for.” More exclamations of outrage at this. Sara raised her hand. “But wait! My sister isn’t some meek pushover. She marched right into her boss’s office and quit on the spot!”

Patti applauded. “Good for you, Hope.”

Next, Sara’s face broke into a wide smile. “And this is the best part! She was so sad on her birthday that I bought her three tickets as her present. And you all know what happened next. She won! How’s that!” She slapped the table.

There was applause and exclamations all around.

“Sara entered you in the lottery? And you didn’t even know?” Tommy’s mouth was open, then transformed into a big smile.

A flush ignited Hope’s face. “Yes, it’s true. When I first arrived, I was so self-conscious about it. Steve deserts the place, and the crazy lady who’s taking over didn’t even enter the lottery to win it—her sister did.”

She leaned forward, serious now. “And after I had been here a while, I forgot about it. It’s so strange to hear Sara talk about it. That almost seems like a different life to me. I feel like a new woman now.” Once again, her gaze was pulled toward Alex, whose eyes blazed into hers.

Finally, without taking his eyes off her, he raised his glass and said, “Here’s to second chances.”

After they all drank, Sara raised her glass and said, “And don’t you all wish I was your sister?”

* * *

Alex sat at his workbench and rubbed his eyes, tired after a sleepless night. He’d been late to the goodbye dinner last night when a guest had shown up at the dive shop, panic-stricken because the mouthpiece on her regulator broke. Then, after he’d worked late to fix it, she hadn’t even bothered to show up for this morning’s dive.

The water had been very rough. Alex had thought about canceling the dive, but the guests insisted they could handle it. Half of them threw up the entire time, and the other half were completely out of shape, so he’d had to manhandle them all morning. His back was feeling it. He stretched, wincing at the tightness before checking his watch. It was already after three. Lunch was long past, and he was starving.

Food first.

Above all, Hope had induced his sleepless night. He’d hardly recognized her last night—she had looked spectacular. Alex was almost glad he hadn’t been sitting next to her. There’s no way he could have kept his eyes on her face. That dress with the plunging neckline had driven him crazy—he couldn’t stop watching her. He smiled, imagining Hope marching into her boss’s office to quit her job in Chicago. That sounded like her. She certainly didn’t take any crap from him.

Alex cut through the restaurant to get to the kitchen. He usually avoided the dining room because he frequently got waylaid by guests. Normally he didn’t mind talking with them, but today was not the day. But during mid-afternoon the restaurant should be deserted.

He peeked into the dining area before entering to make sure the coast was clear. Hope sat in the corner with a pencil between her teeth and both hands in her hair, which stuck up all over the place.

She might be having a worse day than me.

The entire surface of the table was strewn with accounting ledgers, a pile three inches thick off to one side.

“That looks fun,” Alex said, and Hope jumped, glaring at him with the pencil still in her teeth. It was all he could do to keep a straight face. My day’s starting to look up.

She removed the pencil with one hand and placed it over her ear. “No. Not even a little bit.”

“May I join you?”

“Your choice, but consider yourself warned. I may bite, and I haven’t had my shots.”

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