Page 56 of Finding Hope

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“Sounds like she needs to find a better man.”

“That’s exactly what I’ve been telling her!” Sara put her hands on her hips. “Thank you. I’m hoping the situation will change soon. She deserves better.”

“Are you two finished?” Hope asked. “Can we stop talking about me like I’m not even here?”

“Oh, you’re right. We’re being extremely rude,” Sara said. “I’m sorry, Hope. Apologize to her, Alex.”

Alex turned to Hope, his eyes piercing hers. “I’m sorry. Sara’s right—you do deserve better.”

“And I thank you, Alex,” Sara said. “I’ve never been snorkeling before, but I’ve talked to others who have. And comparing what I just experienced with what those people told me, I think I enjoyed something very special.”

Alex visibly relaxed. “Only the best for the Collins ladies.” He winked at Hope, grabbing a soda and drinking it in one shot. “I did see several octopuses on the way back, but they were hiding in the reef where it’s too deep for snorkeling. I’m sorry I couldn’t find any for you. They don’t like the bright sunlight in the shallows.”

“There you are, being a gentleman again,” Sara said. “Hope, you need to give this man a raise.” She turned back to Alex. “Besides, if you had found us an octopus, I probably wouldn’t have my face anymore.”


“No, you are not wearing shorts and a T-shirt to my goodbye dinner. And when was the last time you wore makeup?”

Sara stood scowling in Hope’s bedroom doorway, her hands on her hips. She wore a dark-red and gold flowing dress that landed mid-shin. Her hair and makeup were perfect. She was curvy and voluptuous compared to Hope’s toned and athletic, and the outfit showed her figure to full advantage.

“I didn’t bring much with me, so I don’t have any fancy clothing. I only brought one nice dress.”

“Which one?”

Hope frowned at her closet. “Killer Black Dress.”

Sara’s eyes lit up. “Oh, now we’re talking!”

Hope clenched her fists at her sides. “No. It’s my sexy dress. These are my co-workers, Sara. It’s inappropriate.”

Sara breezed past and rifled through Hope’s closet. “There’s no such thing. A gorgeous woman in a black dress transcends all boundaries.” She pulled out the dress, a knee-length sheath with tank straps and a low neckline. “Oh yes, this will do!”

Thirty minutes later, Sara had Hope’s dress, hair, and makeup completed to her satisfaction. “We’re amazing.” She lifted Hope’s arms out. “My God, your arms look incredible. I guess you have been swimming a lot.” Then she narrowed her eyes, gazing at Hope’s shoulder. “You got the color freshened up on your tattoo, didn’t you?”

“I did, right before I left Chicago. I changed the green on the chrysalis and the butterfly to more of a turquoise. I was ready for a change.”

“You have changed. This place has been good for you.” She turned back to the mirror. “I never knew I had such a hot sister. Let’s go—we have a grand entrance to make!”

Hope took a deep breath and stared at her reflection in the full-length mirror. Her chestnut hair was flat ironed, sweeping past her shoulders and with lighter highlights thanks to the tropical sun. Hope had on much more makeup than she generally wore, but she had to admit the effect was good. Her eyes glowed, her cheekbones were sharply defined, and her lips were a bright red. And she was definitely showing some cleavage. She turned sideways in the mirror. Killer Black Dress was like her Superman costume.

Time to put on your cape and fly, girl.

They walked into the restaurant, and the party was already going. Patti, Tommy, and Clark were all sitting together. Even Martine from the front desk was there, and from the loudness of the conversation, the drinks were already flowing.

Everyone at the table was dressed up from their everyday attire, and a general round of appreciation went around at the sisters’ entrance. Hope took a seat next to Sara and looked around the table, but Alex was nowhere to be found.

Great. I’ve been having fantasies of knocking him dead with my appearance, and he’s not even here.

There were several bottles of wine at the table, and Hope poured herself a glass of red. Next to her, Sara was deep in discussion with Tommy, trying to identify a fish she saw. Hope caught Patti’s eye, and they raised their glasses to each other, Patti winking at her.

Tommy seemed convinced the fish was called a Rock Beauty, and Sara was arguing. They were going back and forth. Hope smiled, knowing Tommy was hopelessly outmatched, when Alex’s voice came from across the table.

“Sorry I’m late. I got held up.”

Hope looked up as he took the last free seat, which was across from her. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt and khaki pants.

He actually owns pants!

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