Page 28 of Finding Hope

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Alex flushed. He hadn’t been involved with any woman, guest or not, for a long time now.

Doesn’t matter. This is how it has to be now.

But did it? Was he going to remain celibate forever? Casual flings weren’t his style and never had been. But he’d made exactly zero effort to seek out a relationship with any woman living on the island. It was too complicated, and not something he was ready for.

Several fans blew cooling air around the room, half of it dominated by the large air compressor. Its whip hoses were attached to a large open trough filled with water, used to fill tanks with air. The other half of the room was neatly arranged by him to store scuba gear. Both the rental equipment the resort provided and any guest’s personal equipment, which Alex stored for them after each day’s diving.

He was returning to the regulator on his workbench when the doorway darkened as someone entered. Alex worked to keep a friendly expression as Jade sauntered toward him, dressed in a skin-tight top and very skimpy shorts. Her blond hair hung in curled ringlets and she wore heavy makeup. She looked like a Barbie doll, putting Alex off even further.

“Hi,” she said. “I wanted to come back and say thank you again.” She stopped in front of him, pressing her leg against his. Alex scooted his chair back a little.

“It’s ok. You handled it fine. And you liked the second dive, didn’t you?”

She took another step forward. Her breasts were at his eye level. Alex began trying to find ways to extricate himself with some semblance of grace. He was getting ready to rise when Jade grasped his face in both hands and kissed him full on the lips, trying to stuff her tongue into his mouth.

Alex clamped his lips shut and rocketed to his feet, nearly tipping over his chair as he broke off the kiss. His heart pounded.

“What’s wrong?” Jade widened her eyes, but she took yet another step toward him.

“I’m sorry, but I never get involved with guests.”

Her expression softened. “Well, we’re fine then. I’m not looking for involvement, just a little fun.”

Time to pull out the heavy artillery. “I can’t. You’re a beautiful woman, but I’m involved with someone. Seriously involved.” This was completely untrue, and Alex hated to say it, but he found himself in this situation from time to time, and it was the best way to gracefully refuse without creating waves with the female guests. And so far, the little white lie hadn’t failed him.

“Oh. Well, that’s too bad.” Jade stopped with a pout, one hand on her hip. “It’s your loss, though. I don’t mind sharing. If you change your mind, Tim and I are staying in the Orchid bungalow. I can send him out for a walk on the beach easily enough to give us some privacy.”

“See you on the dive boat tomorrow, Jade.”

She finally took the hint and turned, shooting him a sultry smile as she ambled out the door. Alex sagged with a sigh. The room was stifling hot, even though both fans still oscillated on their stands.

He marched out and stood in the tunnel of the pier as the breeze cooled the sweat that had broken out over his face, relief pouring over him. He rubbed the back of one hand across his lips, glad to see no trace of lipstick as he grimaced.

Voices drew his attention to the left, where Tim, the asshole brother, talked to Hope. Alex focused his gaze on her.

This must be my day for perplexing women.

He still didn’t know what to make of his new boss. Over the past month, they’d interacted many times. She worked incredibly hard, which had impressed him from the start, and she would show glimmers of a warm sense of humor once in a while. Alex normally had an easy, relaxed manner with people, as long as they respected his boundaries and kept things from becoming personal.

But Hope had pulled back from him several times, her demeanor cooling, and he couldn’t figure out why. Does it matter? Not like you’re looking to get closer to her than you need to. Yet curiously, the coolness was reserved only for him. He’d seen her with Gerold and Clark—she was warm and funny with both.

Alex couldn’t help but be concerned seeing her alone with Tim now. He had hit on a couple of women on the dive boat, trying to get them to celebrate his diving milestone with him, but didn’t get any takers.

Was he trying now with Hope?

Tim took a step forward as Hope retreated. She stood squarely and leaned away. Alex narrowed his eyes as he evaluated the tension in her posture, Jade completely forgotten.

He moved toward the pair.

As he neared, the smarmy grin on Tim’s face made him want to deck the guy. Hope probably wouldn’t appreciate him doing that to a guest, though, so Alex made sure his voice sounded friendly. “Beautiful afternoon, isn’t it?”

Both turned toward him. Hope showed relief for a moment before being replaced with a cool anger, surprising him.

Tim showed straight belligerence. “Yes, it is. Hope and I were having a private conversation.”

Alex flashed a smile, but let his eyes become cold as he straightened and crossed his arms. Tim took two steps back. Alex had years of experience putting overconfident men back in their places without even opening his mouth. But he still had to interact with the guy—couldn’t take it too far. “Really sorry to interrupt you, Tim. But I’ve got some new scuba equipment I need to show Hope. I’ll catch you on the boat tomorrow, though.”

“Oh, ok. I’ll let you guys get to work then. See you later, Hope.” Tim scurried away as Alex stared lasers into his back. When Tim was well away, he returned his usual pleasant expression to his face as he shifted back to Hope.

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