Page 9 of Irish Promise

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I shouldn’t, though. I shouldn’t.

“No,” I whisper, my throat tightening. “I’m fine. I can do it myself.”

Liam looks almost disappointed, but he nods. “Okay,” he says. “I’ll go, then. Can you get back to the bed on your own?”

I nod. “I think I can manage.”

“If you need anything, I’ll come and check on you later.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

We stand there for a long moment, the hot water wreathing the room with steam, the sound of it in the background like white noise as Liam looks at me, his green eyes searching my face as if he wants to memorize it.

When he leaves, backing away and turning towards the door before closing it behind him, I feel almost lost, as if his presence meant something to me—as if his absence does too.

But I can’t allow myself to depend on him.

I’ll stay with him for a little while. Just until I figure out what’s next.

And then I’ll start a new life and leave Liam McGregor to his.



Istand outside the bathroom door as I shut it behind me, my hands curling into fists as I close my eyes.

Fuck.This is going to be more difficult than I would have thought it would be. I’d told myself earlier before I came to check on her that I wouldn’t touch her, that I’d keep my distance, that I’d answer any questions she had and give her space.

Instead, I’d ended up with my cock in her mouth, her swallowing my cum and my mouth between her legs. And if she’d said she’d needed help in the shower—

The vision of her pale, petite, perfect body underneath the hot water, her skin flushing pink and soap trailing over her small breasts, the possibility of my hands being the ones to help her—fuck. I can feel my cock hardening all over again, and I force myself to banish the thought, opening my eyes and blinking rapidly to clear away the fantasy.

I want her so fucking bad it hurts. Nothing had ever tasted as sweet as my mouth between her legs, and nothing has ever felt as good as her lips and tongue on my cock. Nothing has ever looked as beautiful as her blue eyes looking up at me as she sucked me or fixed on my face, wide-eyed with pleasure as I brought her to climax after climax. I hadn’t wanted to stop. I’d wanted to stay there, my mouth between her thighs, licking her to an endless number of orgasms.

I’d had to force myself to stop, force myself not to go further. I wantallof her, everything, but I know better than to push her. I could see the wheels in her head turning as she’d stood there by the shower, comparing me to Alexandre probably, trying to decide how she felt about it all, whether she’d let me touch her again and if she wanted me to.

I have more problems than just Ana waiting for me back in Boston, too, and I know it.

I force the picture of her half-naked and moaning out of my head with a herculean effort as I head for the elevators. I’m supposed to meet with Max and Levin at the bar, but first, I stop by the concierge desk in the lobby.

“Can I help you, sir?” The concierge is immediately attentive when he sees me, smiling pleasantly.

“I need someone to deliver a selection of women’s clothing here—everything, from the skin out.”

The concierge raises an eyebrow. “What size is the lady?” he asks, and I can hear the curiosity in his voice. However, he’s too professional to let on just how much he wants to know what’s happening in the suite of rooms under my name.

“I—ah, I’m not sure.”Fuck.I don’t know shite about women’s clothing sizes, and Levin probably doesn’t either—forget asking Max. I’m not sure he’s even ever been with a woman. Hewasa priest, after all.

“What size is the lady, do youthink?” the concierge asks, in a tone that suggests that if I’ve had my hands on her, I should at least be able to estimate her dress size.

“She’s—petite. She, ah—she comes up to about here—” I motion to my upper chest. “She’s very slender. Small breasted—”

“I think I understand, sir.” The concierge gives me a reassuring smile. “I’ll send someone out for you immediately. Should I have the items delivered up to the room the lady is staying in?”

“Aye, that’s perfect.” I give him an appreciative smile of my own and a hefty tip, the latter of which seems to improve his mood considerably.

Max and Levin are already waiting for me in the bar. Levin has his usual vodka and Max with whiskey, an appetizer between them.

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