Page 52 of Irish Savior

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“I appreciate it.” Levin nods to him, taking a step back. “You’ve been very generous.”

“I have my moments.” Adrian turns to look out over the water as the sky darkens and the breeze picks up just a fraction, and despite the warmth of it all, I shiver slightly. “You should go. I have things to do tonight. My men will escort you out.”

The black-suited men immediately start to move towards us, and Levin jerks his head hastily towards the entrance to the patio, suggesting we shouldn’t linger. I can only imagine whatthingsAdrian Drakos has to do tonight. Someone will suffer and bleed this evening, certainly. Someone deserving?

Who, exactly, is to judge that?

Not me, who barely a week ago helped to cut off the fingers of a man who hung from the ceiling screaming and who intends to end the life of another, just as soon as I can find him. My fingers are itching to curl around the trigger of a gun pointed at this Frenchman’s head, or perhaps his balls first. Depending on what he’s done to Ana.

It would give me more pleasure to beat the shit out of him with my own two fists. But that would take time that I don’t intend to waste. My mission is to get Ana away from him, and a bullet is the quickest way to expedite that.

What Adrian Drakos does after we leave is none of my concern. What matters is that he’s given us something. Not what I’d hoped for exactly—not the Frenchman’s name, or location, or even knowledge of Ana’s whereabouts or condition.

But he’s given us another clue. A good one. A place to go, and another name of another man to speak to, one that hopefully will have another door opened by Levin’s password.

Tomorrow, we’ll get on the plane to Tokyo.

And I’ll be one day closer to Ana.

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