Page 25 of Vicious Promise

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In so many ways.

“Yes,” I tell her bluntly. “You have been a problem to be managed since the day you were twelve years old. And you have been managed, without your knowledge, all these years. Now you’re simply aware of it.”

Something about the coldness in my tone seems to jolt her out of her defiance. “So it’s that simple. Marry you, or die.”


“How will he do it?”

I blink at her, startled. “I—I don’t know.”

“Will he come here to take me? Drop me off of a pier? Or will someone break into my bedroom at night?”

“I don’t know, Sofia. But it doesn’t need to be this way—”

“I’ll do it.”

“What?” I blink at her, caught off-guard by the sudden change.

Sofia looks at me coolly, her face as impassive as mine was moments ago. “I’ll marry you. But I have conditions.”

It takes everything in me not to laugh. “Youhave conditions? Haven’t I just explained to you that—”

“Yes, I get it. I marry you, or your boss has me killed. Which, like you told me last night, is no choice at all. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t have some say in how this marriage goes.”

This ought to be interesting.“Itdoesmean that I don’t have to accept,” I tell her bluntly. “But go ahead. What are these conditions?”

“I don’t want to live with you.”

Well, that one is easy enough, at least.“I have every intention of giving you your own residence. You’ll have to stay here until we’re certain that the Bratva threat is neutralized. But after that I’ll allow you to choose your own apartment from among those I own, and you’ll be given your own security detail and access to certain bank accounts and credit cards. I told you that I intend to provide for you, Sofia.”

She doesn’t even blink. “I’ll be allowed to see Anastasia still.”

“I don’t think—”

“You can’t force me into a loveless marriage and take away my only friend.”

“Youronly friendis Russian, with a dead Bratva father.”

“She’s all I have.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, feeling a migraine coming on. “Fine. But only here or at your apartment once you’re installed in one, and with heavy supervision. If the two of you go anywhere, it has to be cleared by me, and extra security will go with you.”

“Fine.” Sofia doesn’t look pleased, but at this point, I don’t care. This was never supposed to involvenegotiations. How is it that I can tell my future bride that the alternative to a simpleyesis death, and yet she is still standing here arguing with me?

“Is there anything else?” I can’t keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

“Just one thing.” Sofia takes a deep breath. “I meant what I said last night. This will be a marriage of convenience only, Mr. Romano. You will not try to come to my bed, and I will not go to yours. You will not lay a hand on me in any way. You will not ever—” she takes a deep breath, flushing a lovely shade of pink. “—take my virginity. I will remain untouched.”

Apparently the doctor was right.And the very mention of her virginity coming from Sofia’s lips is enough to make my erection return with an alarming speed. I can’t even adjust myself without her noticing, and all I can do is hope that she doesn’t glance down, where the evidence of how much I want her is very, very visible. “So it’s going to beMr. Romanofrom here on out, is it?”

Sofia presses her lips tightly together.

Well, two can play that game.“I’m sure you’re aware,Ms. Ferretti, that a marriage must be consummated in order for it to be legal.”

“I think we’re a little past blood on the sheets. It is the twenty-first century,” Sofia replies sweetly. “You can say whatever you need to in order to satisfy your boss and the Bratva threat, Mr. Romano. Say you fucked me all night long, for all I care. But it won’t ever be the truth.”

Christ.I’m fairly certain that if I get any harder, my cock is going to burst through the fly of my suit. Hearing Sofia’s soft, innocent voice mention me fucking her all night is enough to make me want to forget my promise and bend her over the desk here and now. She’s still wearing that ridiculously short, tight dress, and the only thing stopping me is the fragile remainder of my sense of honor—and the lingering desire to enjoy taking her virginity on our wedding night, when I’ll have all the time in the world.
