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“It’s just a little bump.”

Braden put his bag down and gave her a kind smile. “Let’s give it a quick check before we leave.”

Logan held Donella’s hand while Braden examined her, asking a few questions. Then the young man cleaned the small cut with a tincture and a soft cloth.

Eden regarded the other menfolk with a jaundiced eye. “Are they going to argue all night?”

“Apparently,” Logan said. “I suggest you ignore them.”

“You there,” she said in an imperious tone to one of Mungo’s men. “Miss Haddon . . . er, Mrs. Kendrick . . . could use a drink. Please bring her a glass of whatever you have there.”

Mungo broke off from his discussion with Arnprior. “Dinna be givin’ my men orders, ye daftSassenach.”

“And don’t you be insulting my wife,” Alasdair growled.

“Gentlemen, please,” Arnprior said in a long-suffering voice. “If you will stick to the point, we might manage to get home before New Year’s Day.”

“I take it my husband has been causing the usual trouble?” Eden said to Donella in a wry tone.

“What do you think?” Donella replied.

“Is she all right?” Logan anxiously asked Braden.

“She’s fine.” He smiled at Donella. “But if your head is still aching when we get home, I’ll mix up a powder for that.”

“Speaking of that,” Logan started.

He was interrupted by raised voices. Mungo and Alasdair were going at it again, the old man waving his fist in Alasdair’s direction.

Lord Arnprior shook his head in disgust and stalked over to join Logan and Donella’s group.

“You’d best get the ladies home,” he said. “This probably will take all night.”

“Do you want me to knock some sense into my husband’s head first?” Eden asked.

“Best not try,” Logan replied. “He’s gone full Highlander.”

“As has Mungo,” Donella said.

“Yer cousin dishonored my whole family with her lies,” Mungo yelled at Alasdair. “I’ll nae be forgettin’ that.”

“She was just an innocent girl at the time, you barmy old coot,” Alasdair exclaimed, “and your son took advantage of her. I should thrash the moron right now.”

“Oh, dear,” Eden said.

Roddy had been hanging morosely back by the fireplace, but now he stormed up to Alasdair. “I did nae such thing. The lass took advantage ofme,ye ken.”

Alasdair launched himself at Roddy, bringing him down to the floor with him. They started to grapple and exchange blows.

Cursing under his breath, Arnprior stalked toward them, but one of Mungo’s henchmen darted up from behind and gave the earl a shove, almost knocking him off his feet.

Arnprior quickly recovered and spun around, drilling a fist to his attacker’s jaw. The man staggered but shook it off and charged in for more as Graeme yelled and launched himself at another one of Mungo’s men.

Within seconds, the hall was transformed into a melee.

“Well, I’d best go help sort this out,” Logan said.

Donella grabbed for him but missed.

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