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Fed up, Donella shoved Logan out of the way and marched up to Mungo.

“Christ, Donella,” barked her husband. “Get back—”

She spun and pointed a finger at him. “Stay right there and put down that stupid pistol.”

He gave her a disbelieving look but lowered his weapon.

She turned back to Mungo. “You and the rest of your idiot men will do likewise. If you do not, I’ll report youallto the Glasgow magistrate for kidnapping me. And I will not tolerate any more ridiculous clan feuding.”

When Mungo started to argue, she chopped down a hand. “No, sir. This has to end here.”

“It’s not up to ye, lass,” he barked, “and ye canna just dismiss a matter of honor.”

“Give it up, Donella,” Alasdair said. “There’s no reasoning with the old fool.”

“Shut up, Alasdair.” Then she turned back to Mungo. “Mr. Murray, I am deeply sorry for the shame I brought to your family, especially to Roddy. That was poorly done of me, and I sincerely apologize. But you know this is about more than that. It’s about the bad blood that has been between our families for decades. I will do whatever I can to help resolve your grievance, but the matter is truly between you and my uncle.”

Something like grief and shame flashed through Mungo’s eyes and, for a moment, he looked very frail.

Then he straightened up. “Ye hurt my boy, ye ken.”

“I know, and I truly feel awful about that.”

“Hurt your son? That’s bloody rich,” snorted Alasdair. “You kidnapped my cousin with the clear intention of taking advantage of her and forcing her hand.”

“Nae,” Roddy said earnestly. “Donella is a married woman. I’d never touch a married woman.”

There was yet another fraught pause before Alasdair turned to look at Donella. “Married?”

Lord Arnprior looked at his brother. “Married?”

“Oh, hell,” Logan muttered.

“Ye all could have told us, and saved more than a wee bit of trouble,” Mungo said in a surly tone.

“You’re going to blame this on us?” Alasdair asked with disbelief. “You are a bloody idiot.”

Mungo’s response was predictable. He jabbed a gnarled forefinger into Alasdair’s chest, and the two commenced yelling.

“Stop it right now,” Lord Arnprior thundered. Then he glared at Logan. “I’ll deal with you later, little brother. For now, I will sit down with Mr. Murray and try to resolve this ridiculous situation. If nothing else, we can agree that this unfortunate set of events could have been avoided if you and Donella had told us the truth.”

Donella winced. “I’m sorry. It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Logan wrapped an arm around her from behind, pulling her gently against him. “It’s my fault, Nick. I talked her into it.”

“I have no doubt,” his lordship replied. “Now, please take Donella to Braden so he can check her injuries.”

“It’s safe to come in, I take it,” called a sardonic feminine voice from the doorway.

Donella gaped at Alasdair. “You brought Eden with you?”

“She didn’t give me a choice,” he replied in a sour tone.

“Come, lass,” Logan murmured. “Let Braden have a look at your head.”

He steered Donella to one of the wooden settles.

“You’re looking a little worse for wear, pet,” Eden said as she and Braden joined them. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

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