Page 40 of White Lies

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I give her a once-over, her nipples puckered under her pink tee, her hair a wild, sexy mess. Her lips are natural and swollen from my kisses, of which I plan for many more. “I’m doing this for you, Faith. Not money.” I take a step toward her.

She backs up and holds up a hand. “Stop. You don’t get to fuck me and then take over my life, Nick. I didn’t even invite you into my life. I invited you for one night. Hard rule, Nick.”

“I’ve had my share of one-night women, Faith,” I say, voicing what I’ve only just concluded myself. “You aren’t one of them.” I firm my voice. “I’m not leaving. You need my help, and you’re going to take my help.”

“You don’t get to just decide that. I’m not some girl who’s gaga over you, Nick. I’m a grown woman who lives her life and makes her own decisions.”

“Who now has help. There is nothing wrong with needing help besides not having it.”

“You can’t bulldoze me, Nick. I won’t let you.”

“If I could, you wouldn’t be interesting to me, Faith. And you are. More now than the moment I met you, and that’s new for me. Usually, a fuck does the job and I’m not interested anymore.”

“There it is. The exact reason I’m reacting like I am. You basically just confirmed my thoughts. You’ll help me until the interest fades. I pay not in money but by entertaining you and fucking you, until I have the misfortune of sating your appetite. I don’t need what you just made me feel in my life right now or ever again. Leave, Nick.” She turns on her heel and starts marching away.

I stand there, mentally dissecting all the reasons she’s just kicked me to the door, which I don’t plan on exiting. Something to hide. Embarrassment. The something to hide might not even be about a crime, but that embarrassment. Macom. He was obviously part of her life, and a bad one, and I’ve stormed into hers without giving her time to breathe or to reject me. But I don’t have a choice. I can’t let that happen. Not under these circumstances, and as it turns out, I don’t want it to happen for my own personal reasons, which I’ll examine when the heady scent of her isn’t driving me fucking insane.

I pursue her yet again, finding her in the kitchen, her back to me while she stares at a Keurig dripping coffee into a cup. She knows I’m here. I can sense it, but she walks to the refrigerator and pulls out some kind of flavored creamer. I want to storm around that counter, pull her to me, and kiss her until she melts for me. I want to strip her naked and fuck her right here on the solid wood island I didn’t fuck her on last night. But doing those things would only drive home her accusation that I just want sex from her.

Clamping down on all those male urges and a hell of an overload of testosterone, I walk to the barstool opposite her at the island and sit down. She walks to the Keurig, fills her cup with creamer, and then turns to face me, that cup cradled in her hands. “I am not your plaything.”

“No,” I say. “You are not. And I’m not yours, either, Faith. That isn’t what this is.”

“It feels like it is.”

“We are, as I said before, red-hot together. That doesn’t make it all we are.”

“You can’t just come into my life and try to take over,” she repeats.

“I’m not.”

“Youare.It’s your way.”

She’s right. It is. “Usually people are relieved when I want to help them.”

“Aside from the ridiculous arrogance of that statement that isn’t working for you right now, Nick Rogers, have you just fucked and spankedthosepeople?” She holds up a hand. “Don’t answer that. I don’t want you to tell me what I want to hear.”

“What do you want to hear, Faith?” I ask, her statement speaking volumes about where her head is, and it isn’t focused on kicking me out.

“Nothing,” she says. “I told you—”

“Let’s talk aboutmyhard limits with women,” I say. “They’re really quite simple. No tomorrows. No conversation. No confession about my many nannies, who I tell no one about. For me, I just want to fuck.”

“Why did you tell me about the nannies?”

“Because my gut said that you needed to hear it. Fuck. Maybe I needed to say it to someone who needed to hear it. I don’t know what this is between us, Faith, but it’s not what you’re trying to turn it into.”

“You said that we just needed to fuck each other out of our systems.”

“I know what I said.”

“And now—”

“And now I want more. That is exactly what I keep thinking with you. I want more. What the hell does that mean? I don’t know, but I need to find out, and I think you do, too.”

“Arrogance again?”

“Not this time. Just facts. Just possibilities. And I can’t promise where that leads, but I can tell you that for me, it’s not just sex. If it was, you’d be naked and on the counter right now, because that’s exactly where I wanted you when I walked into this kitchen.”

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