Page 10 of Dirty Talker

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“The hotel? You don’t have your own place?”

“It’s being built. The early snow slowed everything down.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, glancing toward her before turning my attention back to the winding roads away from her father’s ranch. “Feelings and emotions… they aren’t my primary function.”

She twists toward me. “Yeah, I can tell. You touch me, then you push me away. You touch me again, then you push me away again. You kiss me, then you say all these dirty, filthy things to me and make me want you, and then you push me away for a third time. To top it all off, you show up at myfamilyfarm and ask my dad to date me without even talking to me about it first?” She huffs loudly. “I know you’re a businessman with a big businessman brain, but being with you would never work. Especially if you can’t see the basics.”

I pull the truck onto a dirt road just off the main highway and turn toward her, noticing the setting sun. “Can I dance with you?”

“What? No! Read the room! We’re nowhere near dancing in the headlights.”

I slide from the truck and make my way around to her side, reaching out for her again. “I want to apologize. Can I do it while we dance?”

She looks forward for a long, hard moment, then finally glances toward me. “I’m not dancing with you in the rain so you can push me away again.”

Her statement is fair. I take her hand in mine. “Can I be vulnerable with you?”

She climbs down from the truck and looks up at me, taking in my gaze. “Yes.”

“You scare me.”

She balks. “Iscareyou?Youscare everyone in this town. How doIscare you?”

“Do you know how many people talk to me the way you do?” I pause, running my palm over her cheek. “None. No one questions me. No one challenges me. No one, but you… and your father,” I laugh. “Seriously, though, the second I saw you in that diner, I knew you were going to be mine. And every day since then has been torture. Torture with myself for touching you, knowing how young you are. Torture for touching you, knowing you worked for me. Torture for touching you because I know deep down, I wasn’t made for this. I’m not an emotional guy. But Addie,” I look into her eyes, and hold her close to me, desperate to say what I can’t find words for, “I want you. I want you with an urgency that’s unnamed. You have to see that.”

I’m thankful for every second she doesn’t flinch away from my grip. My pulse pounds this close to her. My palms ache to wander her skin.

“Come back to work. I know you loved being at the club, and everyone loved having you there.”

She looks toward me, her eyes downturned. “I just want to go to the hotel and sleep this off.”

I’ve never been good at respecting boundaries, mostly because I don’t see them coming, but this one is loud and clear. Addie needs more space, and if I have any shot at making her mine, I’m going to need to respect that.

Chapter Seven


Space. It always sounds good when you’re asking for it. Your head feels like a jumbled mess and the only reprieve from any of it, sounds like a nice long, night alone in a hotel room to gather your thoughts. Besides, I like Wind Canyon. It has expansive views of the mountains and this time of year there is wildlife everywhere.

The trouble is reality is never that clear and last night was absolute hell. Not only was I dodging calls from my parents, despite my text to let them know I was safe, I was also dodging thoughts about Declan.

What is it about this man that gets me so worked up?He’s aggressive and kind of mean… but I like it. I like the way he reserves his sense of kindness for me, the way he fumbles with romance and emotions, the way he pushes me to be my best, the way his hand feels on my throat and his breath lingers against my neck with an intensity in his stare.

I glare out the front windshield of my truck into the rainy afternoon. I had Violet drive it over, so I didn’t have to run into my dad. But now that I’m parked in front of the club, it’s probably the last place in the world I should be.

Declan’s offer to return is kind of what I needed. It’s an excuse to be around him again, and a distraction from sitting alone overthinking everything. Now, though, I’m not sure what I’m doing here. It’s pouring rain, the parking lot is nearly empty, and I know without a shadow of a doubt, Declan and I will get into some weird emotional conversation that’s only going to confuse me more. That said, I must love being confused because without more thought, I’m bending forward to grab the umbrella I keep tucked under the seat of my truck.

As I sit up, I crack the door open and step from the truck, popping open the black cover before I’m met by a wall of a man.

“I wasn’t sure you were coming,” Declan groans. I wish there were some sort of kryptonite for his voice. Then maybe my body wouldn’t be so drawn to him again already.

I’m lying. Even if there were, I would be helpless.

I sigh. “I wasn’t sure either.”

He looks toward me, intensity in his gaze. “I missed you last night. It was hell leaving you.” His free hand grazes my face as the other holds the umbrella over the top of us. “I realize now that I’m a fucking asshole for inviting you back here.”

Rain pours down around us, but there’s so much heat between our bodies that I swear I see steam.

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