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“Wait, Lucy Longmont.”

She paused by the door. “Yes?”

He moved to her side, taking the door she was holding. “So have you decided to get over the duct tape shortage and go for a ride with me?”

She cocked an eyebrow at him. “For some reason, I’ve decided I’ll take you up on the offer for the motorcycle ride. It’s been a long time since I’ve ridden, and maybe it would be good for me to get out. But it’s not a date. We have to be clear on that.”

His heart raced, and he felt like he should cheer or something, which was stupid, because he’d dated plenty of women and broken the hearts of plenty more. Somehow, this Ms. Vogue in the hardware store felt different. “Great. A non-date. Just a ride. We’ll go for a ride.”

She winked at him. “Pick me up in front of my boutique at eight.”

He watched her walk away and only knew one thing: he couldn’t wait. Tonight would be a good night.

Chapter 3

Lucy walked into the boutique and wasn’t surprised to see Ava, Kensi, and Kat waiting for her. However, shewassurprised to see Brooks’s wife, Serenity, and Trent’s wife, Liberty. Ever since Trent had come back from the dead, they had been touring the United States, just going down the coast and living life Trent’s way.

Lucy moved toward the back, arms heavy with everything she’d gotten from the hardware store. “Well, hello, Stone brother wives.”

The women hurried over to take things out of her hands. “We decided to have an intervention,” Kensi said.

Kat took a bag and nodded. “Yep. We’re tired of seeing you so sad.”

Serenity winked at her. “Granted, I haven’t witnessed you being sad, but from what they said, that’s why we’re here.”

Liberty put an arm around Lucy. “We are doing an intervention, a ‘get your mind off Matt Townsend’ intervention.”

Lucy was grateful for these women. They’d become so close in the past two years. It seemed funny that almost all of them had ended up back in this town. But if she thought too hard about everything, she’d end up dwelling on how she should already be married. She and Matt should’ve found their happily-ever-after like everyone else had. “Well, I’m glad you’re all here, but I don’t need anintervention.” Her pride surfaced, and she guided them to a row of tables that were all set up for wedding prep.

Ava gave her a long look. “Even Trey and the boys are saying you need an intervention.”

Lucy pointed to where the different bags should be placed. “What I do need is for you all to check out the stations I’m sending you to and assemble whatever needs to be assembled.” She pointed to one table. “Liberty, your table will be the soap-carving table. So please take the little soaps and put those bows on them.”

Liberty cocked an eyebrow. “You’re really bossing us around?”

Lucy ignored Liberty’s grumbling face. “Don’t act so surprised. Kensi and Ava, please go to that table.” She gestured to another one all set up. “It’s the one we’ll work on for the tent coverings. Which I don’t have time to do, so I have confiscated all the duct tape in this town. You can start taking those large pieces of material and duct-taping them together to allow them to drape around the edges.” She turned to the other women. “In fact, the rest of you are going to have to help here. Let me show you.” She busied herself by going to the blue material and lining it up with the white material. “Dawn said her colors are paisley blue and pale pink. So we decided we’ll use those for the inside of the tent.”

Kensi tsked her tongue. “You have given Dawn way too much say. I mean, a normal wedding planner wouldn’t allow this many cool things at a wedding.”

It was true: Lucy had allowed Dawn to pick whatever she wanted. Of course, since they were on a tight schedule, that had made Lucy’s life difficult. “I’ve been complaining to you guys too much. Just ignore me, and thank you for helping.”

The women put the pieces of material together and began duct-taping them like Lucy showed them. The job was going rather quickly.

Liberty turned to her. “We are glad you’re letting us help, but we still need to talk.”

“Yes,” Kat agreed. “We still need to do the intervention.”

Lucy grunted. She didn’t really want to talk about how tired she was of the whole situation. So she thought about something that they would find interesting. “I met someone today at the hardware store. Raine Birch. It seems like he’s rehabbing the Sam place. I actually agreed to a motorcycle ride tonight with him.”

Liberty let out a low whistle. “Dothe menknow this guy?”

Of course she was talking about the Stone men.

“Marshall does.”

Kensi put a hand on her hip. “Doesmyhusband know this guy?”

Tim was the sheriff. No doubt he and the men would want to know who this guy was. They were protective.

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