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“Hunter, wake up.”

It was Trent’s voice.

Trent. Trent. Trent.

Groggy, under water, he tried to wake up. He sucked in a breath and opened his eye. “You're back,” he croaked out.

Trent leaned into him, pressing his cheek to his. "I'm not going anywhere, bro. I'm right here."

Hunter couldn't believe it, he began to cry. "I knew you weren't dead. I knew it."

For a long time, Trent stayed cheek to cheek with him. "Yes, you did."

The gesture comforted him so much. His brother was back. His. Brother. Was. Back. "I couldn'tfeelyou dead."

Trent sniffed. "I know, bro. I know." He pulled back, grinning at him.

It was indescribable to explain how grateful Hunter was for Trent. How grateful he was … to be alive. He jolted, remembering everything. "Reese?"

“I’m here,” she said quietly, taking his other hand.

He tried to turn his body to look at her, but pain ripped through his upper body.

“Hold still,” the doctor said, coming into the room. “You’re lucky, that’s all I have to say.” He lightly touched his shoulder. “That bullet miraculously missed your main artery.”

Hunter tried to process everything, though it was by far not the first time he’d woken up in a hospital all banged up, it never seemed to get easier. “I am lucky. I have my brother back."


He felt someone touching his foot.

Hunter looked down and saw Marshall and Brooks.

“We’re here,” Brooks said, touching his other foot. "And we're happy to have both of our brother's back. It was awful for while we waited."

"It was?" Hunter hadn't realized they worried about him.

“It was,” Kensi said, moving from Marshall’s side to the side of him Trey was on. She lightly placed her hand over his. She blinked back tears. “We’re all here and you’re okay." She moved to Trent and kissed his cheek. "That’s all that matters.”

Trent nodded. "Itisall that matters."

The doctor frowned and moved away from them. “I told you I don’t like this many people in here while he’s still in recovery, fifteen minutes, then Mr. Stone needs his rest.”

Hunter frowned, needing to know details. “Tell me what happened to Banks, then tell me about you,” he said, looking at Trey.

Trey nodded. “Banks' is dead.”

Instinctively, Hunter knew who’d shot him. He looked at Marshall.

Marshall gave him a nod, his face sober.

“I thought he might get another shot off,” Hunter said, unable to stop his smile.

Marshall grinned back at him. “I wasn’t gonna let that happen.”

Chills rushed over him.

“Neither was I,” Brooks said, his face had that cold FBI look to it. “So I shot him, too.”

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