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The women were on the ground and the shooting had stopped. One of the masked guys was down. Marshall was down, too, but he still aimed his gun at Banks despite the blood oozing from his arm.

“Give the detonator to me,” Trey called out.

“That should have gone off!” Banks yelled out. “The detonator should have gone off! What happened?”

Trent and Hunter’s eyes met. Trent gave him a thumbs up. “My brother happened!”

Trey yanked the remote away from Banks and shoved him off.

Banks cursed and rolled, then pointed his flashy, annoying gangster, Desert Eagle .357 gold pistol at Trey.

Hunter responded before he could think. Banks was crazy. If he thought he wasn’t going to get the gold, he would kill; he’d proven that.

Hunter could see the look in Banks’ eyes. He could feel it in his gut that something was wrong and he wasn’t about to lose another brother. He rushed at Banks, jumping onto him right before the shot went off.

The impact of the bullet going through the upper right side of his chest didn’t phase him as he rolled with the man.

“Get off me!” Banks tried to yell out.

"Hunter!" Trent called out.

Hunter could feel the pistol digging into his side.

“I’m going to kill you if you don’t get off me!” Banks said.

Hunter tried to grip the gun between them and then another shot went off.

Banks went limp.

Hands were immediately on Hunter, pulling him away from Banks.

Trent looked down at him. "He's hit."

Trey moved next to him. “Banks is dead. Hunter is hurt. Call 911!”

Hunter lay back, feeling the sting of the bullet in his chest. He touched it with his other hand and held up blood on his fingers. Banks was dead. Banks was dead. Banks was dead.

“It’s okay.” Trey was next to him, inspecting the wound.

Trent pressed on his chest hard. “I’m applying direct pressure. It’s going to be okay.”

It didn’t feel okay. Hunter wanted to cry out from the pain of Trent’s pressure on his chest, but he couldn’t find his voice. “Tr-ent,” he said, his voice sounding like a whisper.

"Bro, it's okay," Trent said, grinning down at him. "You saved Trey's life and you're going to be okay."

Women screaming sounded through his ears, but he didn’t know who it was. He hoped none of them were shot.

Brooks spoke loudly and quickly, finally saying. “We’ll get him on the helo and bring him into the hospital.”

Marshall fell next to him on the ground. “It’s okay, dude.” He pushed his hands beneath him.

Brooks was suddenly on the other side, pushing his hands beneath him.

“On three,” Trey called out.

Before Hunter could call for Cheryse … it all went dark.

Chapter 35

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