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Hunter thought about her ex-husband, who had been an attorney and also an addict. At one point, Kensi had a miscarriage and had to go to the hospital by herself. Hunter still wanted to kick that guy in the ribs for how he’d treated his sister.

Kensi took his hand. “I don't want to talk about Jeff. I want to talk about you. I'm proud of you for stepping up and helping Cheryse out. It's the right thing to do.”

Maybe it was childish, but her words meant a lot to him. “Thanks.” He didn't know how much else he could give to his sister. The truth was, he was honored to help Cheryse out. He was grateful she had agreed to it.

Kensi lightly touched the hair on his forehead, running her hand over it. “I remember when you and Trent were just little, and I would help Mama take care of you guys. You were always such a sweetheart.”

He grunted and sat back, unwilling to remember too many things about him and Trent being young. Even now, his emotions were still raw. “Yeah.”

For a moment, neither of them spoke. Hunter watched her stomach bump around with the baby’s movements.

Kensi opened her eyes. “Hunter.”


“I know this might annoy you, but I need to remind you what Mom and Dad always told us. The real treasure we have is each other. Family is everything.” Again, she took his hand. “I don't care about the last year. We all had to deal with Trent in our own way. I want you to know I love you. You're important to me, and I have a really good feeling about you and Cheryse.”

The last line made him chuckle. “Always writing a love story, sis. Except I'm afraid that this girl has a boyfriend.”

Kensi's smile widened. “Cheryse has had a hard time. We all know that. She always thought safety and security would solve a lot of her problems, but I think she wants more than that.”

Hunter had no idea where she was going with this. “Like what?”

“I think Cheryse wants to fall in love with her best friend. And that's kind of the best story ever.” Kensi squeezed his hand, then let go and closed her eyes.

He laughed and stood, dropping a kiss on her forehead. “Don't write my love story yet, sis. Let's just get past the ankle sprain. And let's get you past this bed rest.”

She smiled. “Okay, but I don’t have to wait on the love story. It’s pretty much already written.”

He rolled his eyes and moved toward the door. “Whatever.”


He turned back. “Yeah.”

“I know Cheryse says she’s with Roger, but … she’s not.”

Hunter raised his eyebrows, but he wouldn’t push right now. “Time will tell.”

“Love you, bro.”

“Love you, too.”

Chapter 20

Cheryse was surprised at how well the next few days went. Hunter arrived in the mornings and helped her get around and get ready. While she prepared herself for work, he cleaned up around the house and put together a crock-pot meal for dinner. He didn’t ask about Roger, and she was grateful for that. There was something that she hadn’t told Roger yet, and she wasn’t sure how to. It wasn’t something she wanted to discuss with Hunter.

Hunter was amazing. Not that Cheryse expected anything less from Hunter Stone, ex-Navy SEAL and tough guy in general, but she hadn’t realized how domestic he was.

In fact, on the third morning after her accident, she found him outside unloading lumber from an old truck that Trey used for projects. When she asked him what the project was, he told her they would landscape her yard if it was the last thing he did. He was done with the pots. His desire to help her with the landscaping made him go up a couple notches in her book, and that was putting it mildly. She’d been longing to treat her home to some amazing landscaping.

Being at the salon with him was also easy. He had rigged a way for her to sit on the stool at the front desk by bringing in a stool she could pump up. When she wasn’t busy, she could lower it and prop up her foot on a mini ottoman he’d gotten from somewhere.

Most of the ladies who came in and out of the salon found him fascinating. More than fascinating, to Cheryse’s chagrin, and they all commented about his physique. He often gave them a little flex or showed them his abs if they asked. She had to laugh at the ridiculousness, and her laughter and mockery only made Hunter showboat even more.

Not only was there the old attraction between them, but it grew considerably by the end of the week.

It was Saturday night and a week since the accident. As they got out of Hunter’s truck, just like all the other days, Hunter carried her up the stairs and then brought in her little scooter. The first few days, she had complained about him picking her up, but it was easier this way.

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