Page 14 of His to Keep

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I sighed. “David, please, put him down.”

Slowly, so slowly that I could almost feel every tick of Gates’s muscles as they relinquished their prey, he set the man back on his feet.

“Leave. Now.”

Tim rubbed at his throat, staring up at the dark face. “Yeah, no joke.” He glanced at me. “I don’t think we should see each other again.”

Oddly enough, I giggled. “Probably for the best.”

And with that, Tim was gone, and I was alone in these beautiful gardens—well, all alone with David. He was still facing away from me, incredibly broad shoulders hiding his face from my view. I reached up to press a hand to his shoulders. A white-hot bolt of lightning slipped down my spine as I felt the warm strength in just one arm.

“Gates? I’m sorry. I should’ve called for you earlier.”

To my surprise, Gates’s hands were on me, his large hands gentler than anything I’d ever felt. They went around my waist and danced up the exposed skin of my back until I was lifted up to press against the scratching fabric of his suit.

I gasped, truly nose to nose with Gates for the first time. I could drown in those eyes, such a deep, dark chocolate, smattered with bits of gold detail. They glowed now, caught in streetlights and fiery tempers.

“You will never apologize,” Gates said gruffly, pressing his face closer, tilting until his mouth was against my throat as he spoke again. “He doesn’t deserve to walk the same planet as you, let alone touch you.”

His breath was scalding hot against my flesh. “Do you understand me?”

My thighs clenched together, arousal pooling quickly in my pelvis, and I tightened my muscles, bringing us even closer. “I understand.”

Gates cursed, his voice a ragged plea for reason.

I drove my fingers into his hair, ignoring the warning on his lips. “David?” I sighed as my need drove me to tug his hair again.

Teeth, sharp and confident, brushed against my throat, and my body actually jerked in response to the primal action. How embarrassing would it be to come just grinding up against my sexy bodyguard? At this point, I wasn’t sure I cared.

One of his hands pressed lower, making sure I could feel every inch of his cock against my body. I gasped, mind reeling. There was nothing on this man that wasn’t oversized and overenthusiastic.

I bit my lip hard, trying to stifle the moan that slipped from my mouth.

He ground against me again, making my clit throb and stand at attention. As if Gates knew exactly where my need was, he pressed into me again. “I have to,” he said, his voice rough.

“Have to?” I pulled back to stare into his eyes again. Our combined gazes held for a long, and then his mouth was on mine. This was no simple peck, no brushing of lips or even a caress of a lover.

It was a claiming. His mouth held mine, silken lips tugging at me until I surrendered and let my mouth fall open. Gates’s tongue thrust in, tangling with mine as his hands held me tight against his erection.

I moaned…or did as much as I could into his mouth.

He tasted like expensive Scotch and something spicy, and I could grow to crave that. I arched my body against his, rubbing myself there like a desperate cat. Anything to keep the feelings that fired along my body going.

He kissed me until I had no breath left and my hands in his hair grew frantic. And then, with a strangled sort of groan, Gates began to pull away. First his hands softened, and then his kiss did. His tongue left my mouth with a final little flick that teased visions of what it might feel like on another, desperate part of my body.

“David,” I groaned again, trying to tug him back.

Still, he pulled away, freeing my legs to drop back to where they stood shakily on the ground.

Gates looked at me, dark eyes unreadable. “I apologize for the lapse in judgment.”

I stared up at him, my chest heaving. “What? What’s happening?”

He turned, gripping my forearm tightly as we moved towards the parking lot. “I’m doing my job.”


I was about at my wits’ end now. No pun intended. In the past three months, I’d moved to a new city, I’d taken a new job, I’d gotten pregnant as a virgin and on purpose to carry a strange man’s child. And now I had my very own brooding, sexy, and absolutely frustrating bodyguard who was only setting fire to all my unsatisfied fantasies.

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