Page 94 of Claimed and Tamed

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She felt a warm kiss on each tender spot of her freshly spanked ass. Then, his arms followed—heavy and warm like a coat in a snowstorm. Fuzzy feelings returned to her insides as she felt the comfort of his warm embrace. She didn’t mind the feeling of being carried to the bed either, but when he tucked her in, she was perplexed.

“It isn’t necessary to charge me this way, Master,” Princess said, trying to reason with him.

She sank into the assortment of pillows and blankets, enjoying the sensations of rest and relaxation. The bed beneath her was plush and soft, almost like clouds, and his voice was lulling and soothing.

“Maybe not,” he said, kissing her nose. “But the grassy hill is just one dream away.”

“A robot doesn’t dream, Master,” she replied.

“A dream can be anything from a goal to a thought, or even a fantasy. If you have any of those things, then you’ve had a dream,” he said. His voice never wavered, and his speech was so convincing that Princess searched all the memories of her short life.Had she had a dream?

Princess said nothing, choosing instead to be ignorant of the emotional exchange. She maintained a stoic expression, hoping he wouldn’t notice. She didn’t want to disappoint him if it was a false evaluation. The computer said that robots didn’t have desires, and it was always right.

“Remember your breath. Unclench your jaw, and relax your entire body. This is your happy place no matter what. Rest here until I come to get you. A short nap during the day ensures that you don’t overexert yourself.”

“But Master…” she trailed off, remembering that she mustn't talk back.

On the grassy hill she remained, feeling the warm breeze on her cheek. An occasional bird flitted overhead in the blue, cloudless sky. The scent of fresh dew on the grass lingered in the air around her. Each muscle in her body relaxed as the eyes beneath her closed eyelids twitched and rolled.

After a time, she felt his gentle hand nudge her, when she opened her eyes, she saw a dashing smile. Salt and pepper hair covered his head and stubbled cheeks, even the wrinkles in his brow were endearing in their own way.

“You can wake-up now, Princess,” he said.

Sitting up, Princess stretched her hands high above her head, then let out a yawn. She was really starting to catch-on to this human stuff, and hoped she’d pass all the tests. As her eyes re-adjusted to being opened, something she’d never seen before caught her attention. Something had been drawn on her left wrist with some sort of permanent ink. Her finger traced over the thick black lines of intertwining hearts.

“Master, what’s this?” she asked, holding up her arm.

After a brief inspection he said, “A tattoo. It’s kind of like a beauty mark. I gave it to you before you came to life.”

“Oh Master!” she shouted in ecstasy. “It’s beautiful.”

It was something she would treasure for the duration of her life,no matter how long or short.She wanted to elaborate on her feelings, and tell him how much she loved it, but feared telling him the truth. Perhaps it was because she didn’t believe it herself.How could a robot truly have feelings and desires?

“And so are you,” he said, kissing her forehead.

* * *

“I’ve laid down a tarp in the kitchen with every color of paint you can think of, and a large canvas. Art is the creation of the subconscious mind,” he said.

She focused intently on each facial expression, calculating his desire. He wanted her to learn these things,but would it give her true emotions and desires?Torn between what it was to be a human or machine, Princess went back and forth in her head. She wanted to please her master, but feared the impossible.Was there anything she ever wanted for herself? And if she did, would it overshadow her master’s needs?

“What is subconscious, Master?” she asked, hoping she would find answers.

“It’s a part of the brain, where thoughts are abstract and subtle. Some say it’s a window to the spirit world.”

“There is no solid scientific evidence that the spirit world exists. And if it does, there’s the implication of a soul. That’s also yet to be proven.”

He stared back at her with disapproving eyes, and said, “That’s borderline talking back, you naughty robot.”

While one side of her was stoic and analytical, the other side existed behind a thin veil, just waiting to reveal itself.Was it an emotion, or her programming? That was the million dollar question.

“Let’s just see if you can follow rule number nine first.”

“I will always fail at this, Master,” she said.

“Failure is part of life, Princess.”

Although it was comfortable to hear that, the computer side told her she needed to be infallable.

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