Page 64 of Claimed and Tamed

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“Please,” I whispered.

“All you have to do is comply.”

“I…I can’t trust you.”

“Because we are strangers?”

“Because you are a big, bad wolf.”

He chuckled at that, and I felt a pang of recognition. “Let’s catch your breath,” he said.

Rather than try to guess his rhythm, I pressed my forehead to his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart and matching my inhalation and exhalation to the rise and fall of his chest. He smelled good, despite the fact that we were both dirty and sweaty.

When my breathing had evened, I realized how much I had rested into his embrace. I pulled away awkwardly. I cleared my throat. “Thank you.”

He nodded.

“Should I run?”

He grinned. “A promise is a promise. Maybe we’ll have the pleasure of meeting up again soon.”

I smiled back then took off.


Iwas recaptured not long after I left a station to get a drink of water. But not by the same wolf as before. This large black leather-clad predator was more…sinister. Vicious.

“No!” I cried. He pushed me forward with enough force to lose my footing. I fell to my knees and tried to crawl away. But there was no escape. A heavy boot on my ass propelling me onto my stomach assured it.

The wolf towered over me, keeping his weight pressed into my backside while I squirmed for release. He was quietly patient, watching me use a good amount of energy screaming and struggling beneath his foot before I finally gave up and stopped. I went limp and softly cried into the earth.

He crouched beside me, but when I went to lift my head so I might beg for my release, he use a firm grip at my nape to keep me down.

“No, no, naughty rabbit. Nose to the dirt.”

Familiarity washed over me, confusing me. I trembled in my fear but remained in place even as he removed his hand from my neck. The wolf murmured “good girl” when I didn’t lift my head. Anticipation mixed with adrenaline, creating a strange infusion that rushed down my body and settled in my pussy.

He then rubbed my back with one hand to comfort me while he used the other to lift my skirt.

“Panties, you naughty rabbit?” He then leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “A well-behaved sub would know better than to arrive to a scene like this. I guess I’ll have to punish so you don’t make that mistake ever again.”

I whimpered. Punish me? How? All questions I wanted to ask but couldn’t seem to push the words out. Never in my life had I felt so scared.

He pulled away. I heard the unmistakable click of an opening pocketknife and shut my eyes tight. I sobbed pitifully. Fuck, why didn’t I put knife play as a hard limit.

“Stay very still,” he warned.

And I did. I froze. I held my breath. I willed myself to stop shaking, though my body only half obeyed.

I felt the cold, hard blade slipping beneath the spandex of my bodysuit and glided along the heated flesh of my thigh. The knife slid down, drawing the material away from the skin. The tension of my bodysuit gave way as the fabric parted beneath the knife’s sharp edge.

His groan of appreciation made my core tightened with a mixture of sick expectancy and disgust. Disgust with him or myself, I was not sure.

“Aww. Your little tail is precious.”

My face burned in humiliation as he flicked the fur ball at the end of the metal plug, then moved it in and out of my ass, slow and steady. It was both pleasant and awful, my body enjoying the sensations of his gentle penetration causing the adrenaline that had shot ice through my rushing blood to wane and my sobs subsided into quiet hiccups.

“My naughty little rabbit. Do you like that?”

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