Page 5 of Claimed and Tamed

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“Hmm, bear with me, I’m looking at whereabout a good halfway point might be to meet—Okay, got it! Barton, Yorkshire, is halfway, but looking at the map I see Catterick is about fifty miles nearer to you. What about Catterick, is that too far for you?”

“Not at all. So about 12 noon then—Where shall we meet up?”

“I’ll ring you when I get there and tell you where to meet me. We won’t be eating there, but I’ll tell you where you can park…I have a surprise for you.”

“What kind of a surprise?”

“You’ll see. Wear something warm.”

“Intriguing...guess I’m finally getting the prize car tomorrow?”

“Sorry, that would be a no. See you tomorrow at noon. Bye.”

He shook his head with a grin. That girl had sass.


Parked up outside the gates to the military airfield at Catterick, Yorkshire, Rolf dialed Selene.

“I’m about ten minutes away,”she told him.

“Okay, here is the postcode to enter into your satnav if you get lost.” He reeled off the coordinates. “Got that?”

“Yeah—Did you say airfield? Isn’t that like, military?”

“It is, but no more questions. All will be revealed when you get here. See you shortly. Don’t rush, better to arrive late than never to arrive at all.”

“Yes, Dad!”

“Don’t be cheeky, or I might have to show you how I deal with sassy girls.” He ended the call.

When her car came into view, he climbed out of his vehicle and watched her pull up behind his Volvo. “Hi,” he called when she emerged from her car. She walked up to him. He leaned in and kissed her cheek, noting her pink flush. He could hear her heart rate increase.

“So, what’s the plan?” she asked, looking around. “Wow, it’s bleak up here.”

“We’re not staying. As I said, I have a surprise. Hop back in your car and follow me closely.”

“A man of mystery, eh?” she quipped.

“You have no idea,” he replied, crossing to where her rust bucket of a vehicle stood, he opened the driver’s door for her. Shaking his head over the state of her vehicle, he acknowledged that she really did need that prize car.

Concentrating on entering the guarded entrance to the airbase, he glanced in his rear-view mirror to gauge Selene’s reaction, but since he was immediately waved through by a uniformed guard, Rolf could only guess at her surprise. Driving through the airbase, he led the way out onto an airfield where he pulled up in the open parking area. Selene drew up alongside.

“I’m guessing that if I ask any questions, you’re gonna reply something along the lines of, this is on a need-to-know basis—Am I right?” she said, after locking her car.

He shrugged. “What can I say—a man of mystery.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay, so what happens now?”

He held out his hand and Selene grasped it, falling into step beside him as he moved towards the planes.

“Can I at least ask where it is you’re taking me?”

“Of course. We are going out to lunch, just as I promised.”

She squeezed his hand. “Teaser.”

He chuckled. “This is us,” he said drawing to a halt.

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