Page 33 of Claimed and Tamed

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She glanced out the window. “No, he was unattainable.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Izzie picked up her sandwich while Babs watched her. “Eat.”

Babs sprang into action as if she’d forgotten she had food.

Dane came back in and plopped down next to Babs. “I saw him go into that new fancy restaurant down the street.”

“Unattainable,” Babs stated, and Dane nodded.

The high-end eatery was not a place they’d be welcomed, for they could never afford it.

After shoving down some food, Dane started in. She knew it was coming, but it took longer than she thought.

“We watched him on the prowl in the club last night. He’s a force. Total Dom. I think everyone there was taken in by him, we were all in a trance. Even the employees.”

“What was said?” Izzie had to ask; she could tell how her friends were acting that he was out of the ordinary. They had her full attention now.

“They hadn’t ever seen anything like him.”

Izzie shrugged. “I don’t know, seems kinda freaky, and not in the good sense.”

“Girl, it was freaky in all the best possible ways. Cheyenne said he’d be back tonight. Youhaveto come.” Cheyenne was their favorite and most reliable bartender.

She glanced between them. “You guys going?”

“Fuck, yes,” Babs said in her non-elegant way.

Izzie chuckled. “Fine, you’ve piqued my interest. I’ll go.”

“Good, I was beginning to worry you were falling back into your funk over the ex and his psycho stepsister. I’m so glad you blocked them from your life. It was getting to be too much.” Babs sighed.

For the rest of the day, she fussed over herself with a clear coat over her manicure, a new pedicure to match her fingers, removed all unnecessary hair from her body, and applied a treatment to her hair, topping it all off with a face mask.

Izzie chose a light blue leather minidress. It was a special order, and expensive. She didn’t pay for it though, one of her usual hookups at the club did, as a going-away gift when he moved away.

She couldn’t remember fussing so much for an evening out. She never had before. But she saw the man firsthand, the photos weren’t bad—but in person—mouthwatering, and she’d only seen him in passing.

“This is crazy,” she whispered to herself. “As if he’ll even notice me.” Meanwhile, she continued to primp.

All done up, she met up with her friends.

Dane and Babs took one look at her and their jaws dropped open.

“Holy shit,” Dane grinned.

“I told you she’d pull out all the stops.” Babs nodded.

“Is it too much?” She asked, mortified looking around to see if others were staring.

No one was.

“Babe, it’s perfect. You look hot. He won’t miss you.” Dane put a hand to her lower back to move her in the direction of the bar.

“How do you know?” she asked.

“Honey, observing him all night, I think I know his type.”

“He’s right,” Babs agreed.

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