Page 30 of Claimed and Tamed

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Thirty minutes later, her phone chimed again. She laughed. It didn’t take long.

Babs sent another photo this time the man had removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. “Mother of god, look at those tattoos.” A sexy groan spilled from her lips. “And those muscles.”

The man had tattoos covering every bit of his arms that she could see, but the shirt hampered her view.

Tattoos did it for Izzie, she loved a man with ink. She was tempted to text back, or better yet to jump in her car and head to the club.

Instead, she went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, her blonde hair was a frizzy mess, and decided that it was too much work to get primped at such a late hour.

She’d have to hear all about it at lunch the next day and knowing Dane, she’d get a double dose of, “You should’ve been there.”.

Reluctantly, she went back to the couch and picked up her book. It wasn’t nearly as interesting as it was before. She tossed it aside and decided bed would be a better choice.

Tossing and turning in her usually comfortable bed did no good. Izzie got up and retrieved her book again from the next room. Picking up where she left off, she got back into the story. It was a sexy billionaire romance. She loved the romance genre, all varieties. She didn’t give a shit if she was reading about aliens or harems, there’d better be some swooning and love, with a happily ever after.

Getting up to use the restroom, she noticed sunlight starting to peek through her curtains and shook her head. She was trying to get on a normal sleep routine, but the books always screwed her up. One day soon, she’d be starting classes again and need to become a normal day-shift person. That would be painful, and she knew it would have to be done cold-turkey. Nothing else was working.


Nikolai had been hanging out with some friends when they mentioned a place in America that piqued his interest. It was a club simply called, After Dark. It was “full-service”. You could get whatever kink or sexual need you wanted satisfied. His dick twitched at the thought. That hadn’t happened in some time. There was too much going on in his life, too much stress, and there wasn’t any time for play. So, the fact that he was aroused just thinking about it, decided it for him.

He was out on the private jet the next afternoon. Alone. Well, except for one of his most trusted security details, Boris. The guy was huge and never lost a fight, but was a teddy bear at heart and a total sap who loved romance novels and chick flicks. Total the opposite of himself, but somehow, they got along like the best of friends.

Nikolai and Boris arrived late evening, got settled into his penthouse suite at the ritziest hotel in the city, and then readied for a night of sin and excitement.

“A suit? Really?” Boris narrowed his eyes.

Nikolai looked over himself in the mirror. “Yes, what’s wrong with it? It’s not my best, but certainly not my worst.”

“It’s a club, for crying out loud. Not a meeting with the Queen.”

“Could we leave my mother out of this?”

“Sorry, sir.”

Nikolai chucked. “I’m just Nik tonight.”

“Very well, Nik.” Boris bowed.

“And none of that, I doubt anyone here knows who I am. I don’t want to stand out.”

“Unless you change, you’ll stand out.”

He tugged at his cuffs. “I’ll be fine.”

“So you say,” Boris muttered, heading to the door.

Within an hour they stood in line like everyone else to gain admittance to the club. When they reached the entrance, the gentleman at the door took one look at Nikolai and then at Boris, and froze. “Do you have reservations?”

“No.” Nikolai simply stated. “Just got into town and didn’t have time to phone.” He cringed at the sound of his accent compared to the American. He didn’t want to stand out, but it was obvious he wasn’t local.

“That’s no problem. There are plenty of VIP rooms available tonight.”

Boris shot Nikolai a look of “told you so”.

Nikolai ran his hand down the front of his suit jacket. “We don’t require VIP this night.”

“Very well. Have a good time.” The bouncer led them to the counter where they could check-in.

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