Page 3 of Claimed and Tamed

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“I’m not really sure, but I’m told he does charity work.”

“I see.” It was as though Selene’s life were a jigsaw. It suddenly hit him, her name, Selene, it meant Greek Goddess of the moon. Her birth parents had given her a shifter name, did that mean her adopted parents were shifters too? If so, why had they not told their daughter about her heritage? These were questions he wanted answers to and, being determined, he would find them.


“So, you said you were going away to stay with some friends for a weekend, dear?”

“Yes, that’s right, a friend’s family.”

“Oh, and what is her name—more gravy, dear?”

“Um, yes please, Mum— er, Susi.” It wouldn’t do to give her mother Rolf’s name as that would just open the floodgate to a hundred questions. She’d finally agreed to spend a weekend at home and now they were sat down to a roast Sunday lunch following the obligatory visit to church. This was the time she hated the most, when her parents determinedly cross examined her while she was trapped by good manners which demanded she remain seated at the formal dining table.

“Surname?” her father asked.

“Mactire.” There was absolute silence. Surprised, she looked up to see her parents exchange an unfathomable glance.

“For which weekend are you invited?” her father continued mildly.

“Next weekend.”

“Oh no, that’s too bad! What a shame you’ll have to cancel my dear, next weekend is your second cousin’s wedding, had you forgotten?”

“Wedding? What wedding?”

“I despair…I told you weeks ago to save the weekend!” her mother lamented.

“Yes, we’re all invited to Dùn Airgid, a Scottish castle for my second cousin Mary’s grand wedding to the laird’s son. This is a once in a lifetime’s chance to be the guests at a prestigious highland wedding!” her father added.

Bewildered, she shook her head. “I honestly have no recollection of you mentioning this. Why do I have to go?”

“Why?” her father boomed. “Because you are our daughter and we have accepted a family invitation. To not go would be a huge insult to the groom’s family who are hosting this wedding. You cannot back out at this stage, Selene. You will reschedule your weekend plans and we shall go as a family.”

Her heart sank; when her father spoke that sternly there was nothing to be done. Besides, he was right, it would be extremely rude this late in the day to drop out. With a resigned sigh, she realized she’d have to rearrange her plans with Rolf. Brightening at the idea she could arrange to see him sooner, her mind conjured his image, tall dark and enigmatic, he was everything she’d hoped to find in a man. Still, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, maybe if he wasn’t free in the interim, he’d develop the hots for her? After all he had asked out for lunch and then invited her for the weekend.

* * *

“This wedding is taking place at Dùn Airgid in Scotland?” Rolf asked, his unease spiked by the name. He sensed something off about this sudden change of plan, especially since it was at her parents’, correction,adoptedparents’ behest. Listening to her explanation, he read between the lines, feeling her confusion at not recalling being told about the wedding. “Perhaps they simply forgot to mention it to you, older people are prone to forgetfulness,” he said not believing his own words. “You have my phone number so ring me if you get bored. Shame you didn’t get a plus one invitation.” He smiled as he picked up the sound of her softly indrawn breath.

“Would you have come?” she asked.

“Like a shot,” he replied.

They talked some more and then she had to give a driving lesson. He moved to his desk and opened his computer to search for this wedding at Dùn Airgid, the translation meaning silver fortress, an ancient title for a castle. His wolf’s nose told him there was more to this wedding than met the eye. Silver being to a wolf-shifter what kryptonite is to Superman. Silver both attracted and harmed them.

“What’s up?” his brother Connal asked, wandering into the room.

“My potential mate’s adoptive parents are whisking her away to some wedding at a Scottish castle next weekend, so she isn’t coming.”

“Probably for the best since Susi will be home from university and she is going to go nuts when she discovers you’ve given her car away to some random female.”

Rolf spun about with a glare at his younger brother. “I explained, she is meant for me!”

“Harrumph…So you say—”

“Idosay, and watch your tongue, underling! You must trust me on this, brother. When you meet your mate, you’ll understand.”

“Sorry, Alpha. So, what do you intend to do?”

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