Page 2 of Claimed and Tamed

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“I can?” She stared at him, eyes narrowed. “What’s the catch?”

“No catch. I simply want to spend some time with you.”

“Sell my body for a car? Nope, not happening.” Her lips curled into a sneer.

“No, you misunderstand me. I’m suggesting a no-strings visit to my country house in Northumberland where you will be treated as an honored guest by me and my family. Nothing will happen there that you don’t wish for, and on that you have my word.” He reached across and placed his hand lightly over one of hers. Immediately he felt her pulse increase and the faint alluring scent of her arousal teased his nostrils. His shaft swelled in response, and for the second time that day, he was glad to be seated at a table.

It was interesting to watch her internal struggle. He was certain her body’s reaction to him would insure her acceptance of the invitation.

“Steak rare, and Thai green-chicken curry.” The waiter swept in, depositing their plates before them with a flourish.

Making easy conversation while they ate, he studied her. She was an anomaly. Her clothes were of good quality, yet the edges were beginning to fray. Her shoes were downtrodden at the heels and her shoulder purse, although leather, was creased and worn in patches. Her accent held an educated twang which indicated a private education and should surely have led to a better career than that of a driving instructor. He wondered what her story was.

Over coffee, he leaned back and encouraged her to her talk about her life.

“So, you are adopted?” That was interesting.

“Yes, my birth parents were killed in a road traffic accident and my adopted parents were their best friends. They adopted me after the accident, which was amazing of them.”

“And you are close?”

A frown creased her forehead. “Mmm, not very close…I love them, but they are very remote people. Not given to gestures of affection—don’t get me wrong that is not always a bad thing. I suppose they have quite a narrow way of looking at life, you know the type?”

He nodded, oh yes, he knew, he knew only too well.

“I take it you don’t live with them anymore?”

“No way! They would have me in bed by nine every night and fuss every time I left the house. No, I rent a bedsit in a Victorian house along with five other girls over in Bramhope.”

“You said your father disapproved of you becoming a driving instructor?”

She rolled her eyes dramatically, emitting a heartfelt groan. “Huh! You’d think I’d decided to become a mass murderer the way he carries on. Actually, I haven’t been home to visit them for over a month now. I cannot stand the disappointed sniffs and constant suggestions about what I should be doing with my life. To be honest, it drives me up the wall!”

He chuckled. “Now I feel like a bully—My sister, Susi, still lives at home. She’s studying for a degree in archeology and yet now she’s suddenly decided she’d rather paint women’s nails for a living and call herself a nail technician. Actually, it was she who entered the car competition because I refused to buy her a car until she re thought her plans and comes up with some sensible life choices.”


He grinned. “You won’t gang up on me with her if you come to visit?”

“Susi is more likely to hate me for taking her car away from her, don’t you think?”

“She doesn’t know she won. Susi filled it in in my name and I kept quiet over it.”

“You haven’t told her? Why?”

“I know I sound autocratic, but you haven’t met Susi. She is…” he steepled his fingers pondering how best to describe his free-spirited wolf sister and his need to protect her from harm without going into too much detail. “Somewhat free-spirited, a little wild and far too trusting for her own good.”

“Oh please, now you sound just like my parents! I accept your invitation simply so I can give some female support to poor Susi.”

His relief at her agreement was tempered by alarm at the thought of how much these two women would conspire together, for he was certain they would like one another. “That sounds ominous, but I am glad you agreed to visit,” he said lightly, giving her a smile.

“Do you have any other siblings?” she asked.

“A brother, Connal, a year younger than me…And you?”

“My adopted parents have a son ten years older than me. He lives and works in Colombia, South America.”

“That’s interesting. What does he do?”

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