Page 19 of Claimed and Tamed

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Claiming Cara




Something isn’t right. Although the atmosphere is pleasant enough, I don’t trust our host. Sure, Stewart Douglas, head of one of our biggest rival clans, has provided a lavish feast and been effusive in his welcome, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t up to something. Though champagne is flowing and everyone seems to be having a pleasant time, there’s an undercurrent. A ripple of something in the air, a strange electricity, suggests all is not as it seems. Perhaps it’s the surreptitious glances Stewart keeps casting at Jason Henry, his second-in-command that are making me wary. It’s as if they’re silently communicating with each other, sharing a secret the members of my family are not privy to.

I’d thought it strange when we came into the dining room and discovered that, among the thirty-six people attending the dinner, the only women were my mother and three younger sisters. Stewart came up with some excuse about their tradition dictating that the men should dine with their guests before introducing them to the women of the family later. That doesn’t seem right, somehow. We’re here to sign a betrothal pact that will see me married to Stewart’s only daughter, Cara, when she reaches her eighteenth birthday in ten days’ time. I’d have expected some women to be in attendance, not least the bride-to-be. It’s possible, of course, that the Douglas clan does things in a particular way, but my instincts tell me something else is going on here. Whatever it is, I get the feeling it isn’t good.

I lean closer to my father so I won’t be overheard. “There’s something wrong with this picture. I’m going to look around and see what I can find.”

My father nods and lays a hand on my arm. “Okay, but be careful, Sandy.”

The warning in his tone, his use of the pet name he used when I was a child, suggest that he, too, has sensed something amiss. If nothing else, it’s strange that Stewart has invited so many rank-and-file members of his clan to what should be an intimate family dinner. They outnumber the people from our side four to one. It feels like a show of strength, rather than a friendly introduction to our future in-laws.

Rising to my feet, I turn to my host. Whether or not I trust the man, Stewart Is head of a major clan and there are protocols to follow. I’m not going to risk insulting the man, just in case my gut is wrong and there’s nothing untoward happening here. There’s no point in starting a war for no good reason.

“Please excuse me, Stewart. I brought a gift for your daughter and seem to have left it in the car.”

The old man purses his lips as though displeased and gestures to his head enforcer. “Jason, please show our guest the way.”

I shake my head. The last thing I need is to have that street thug trailing around after me. I won’t learn anything with an attack dog on my heels. “Please don’t trouble yourself.” My tone is friendly but firm. “I remember the way.”

Although there’s some grumbling as I leave the room, Jason doesn’t follow me. That’s good. I’ll take a quick look around to assure myself everything is above board and then return to the dining room. Since I don’t actually have a gift for Cara, I’ll have to pretend I’ve forgotten to bring it. I can tell my host the prospect of getting betrothed has made me nervous. It hasn’t, of course. Nothing scares me, least of all the idea of taking a bride and securing my family’s future.

As I walk along the corridors of the vast Douglas mansion, which is impressive, but nothing in comparison with our family home at Drumblair Castle, I keep my eyes and ears open. I pass several doors leading into sitting rooms, a study and a smaller dining room than the one I’ve just come from. There’s nothing out of the ordinary, as far as I can tell.

Perhaps I’m being paranoid in thinking Stewart Douglas is plotting against us. He’s the one who initiated discussions about our clans forming a union. They want peace between our families, to bring together our wealth and influence and create the strongest force in Scotland. Surely, they wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that. Then again, the Douglases aren’t known for their honor.

It surprises me as I make my way to the front door that I don’t encounter anyone. That increases my suspicions. Where have all the staff got to? I head outside and walk around the house. When I reach the sprawling back gardens, I see light coming from a large wooden summerhouse at the edge of the woodland that surrounds the property. I stroll across the lawn to investigate and find the door is open. A young blonde woman sits in a flowery armchair, with her feet curled up under her. She’s reading a book, a well-loved paperback romance from the look of it. So completely engrossed in what’s happening on the page in front of her, she doesn’t spot me at first. As I draw closer, she finally realizes she’s not alone, and jumps to her feet.

“What are you doing?” She demands. “Nobody comes here.”

Oh, feisty. That’s something I like in a woman. “I saw the light.” I’m not usually a man who explains himself, but I startled her and want to put her at ease. “Sorry if I disturbed you. I’m Alexander Shaw.”

“Shaw? Like the Shaws of Drumblair?”

Nobody calls us that, but I nod. “Are you Cara Douglas?”

I really hope she is because I’m drawn to this woman in a way I’ve never experienced before. The strength of my desire for her is almost overwhelming. To my surprise, it’s not purely physical. I want to get to know this woman, to protect and care for her. It’s insane, considering I’ve only just laid eyes on her. My father said it was this way when he met my mother, but I didn’t believe it possible. If this isn’t the woman I’m here to be betrothed to, it could complicate things.

“I am,” she confirms.

“Then I’m glad to have stumbled upon you, Cara Douglas.”

She puts her hands in the pockets of her jeans and looks down at the ground, suddenly less sure of herself. I get the impression she’s uncomfortable in my presence. It’s not unusual. I’m a big guy, tall and muscular, and I know that can be intimidating, especially for a petite woman.

“Are you here to see my father?”

The question surprises me. Does she not already know why I’m here? “Aye, I’ve come to sign the betrothal pact.”

Cara huffs out a nervous laugh. “Betrothal pact? Who’s getting betrothed?”

Shit. She doesn’t know what her father has planned for her. I shouldn’t care about that, but I can’t help feeling sorry for her. We’re all pawns in the games our fathers play. At least, one day, I’ll take charge of our clan and be the one to decide on the fate of others. Cara will never have that sort of power. I step forward and take her hands. It doesn’t come easily to me, but I’m gentle with her. “We are, Cara. You and I are to marry on your eighteenth birthday.”

“Uh, no, that is not happening.” Horror fills her vivid green eyes.

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