Page 17 of Claimed and Tamed

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Susi slipped an arm around Selene’s shoulders and gave her a hug. “You’ve got this, Sis!”

He could tell how touched Selene was by his sister’s endearment and acceptance of her as family. She hugged Susi back and turned to him. “I’m ready,” she said. Rolf nodded, pecked her on the cheek, and slipped a pair of headphones over her ears, adjusting the microphone in front of her mouth. Her mobile was on the desk in front of him attached to the computer that would run interference and block any attempts to trace her location. He hit the dial button.

“Where the devil are you, Selene?” Mr. Reyes’s voice boomed aggressively around the room. “I’ve been trying to get hold of you for the last two days! Why didn’t you return my calls?”

Rolf watched Selene redden, but she read calmly from the prompted script on Brian’s screen.

“Hiya, I’ve had car trouble, but I’ve managed to get a lift to the crossroads an hour from the castle. Can you pick me up en route? I’m sending you the coordinates of the crossroads given to me by the truck driver…I’ve got to go because the truck guy is on a time schedule, but I’ll wait here at the side of the road for you to arrive.”

Rolf clicked disconnect on the phone and Brian appeared back on his screen. “I’m sending them the coordinates now,” he said.

Selene rose to her feet. “Well done,” he praised, pulling her in for a hug and holding onto her longer than he’d intended because she was trembling. “Are you okay?”

“I will be.” She smiled weakly.

“Susi, take Selene and pour her a large Irish whiskey.”

“I’d rather have an Irish coffee with lashings of cream if it’s all the same to you?” Selene countered.

“Done. Come on, I know where the chocolate stash is hidden!” Susi led his mate from the room, and he settled in to watch the grim event unfold.

* * *

He entered the kitchen a couple of hours later, where the family were all gathered. “Did everything go according to plan?” Caden asked.

“Yes, efficiently and quickly executed.”

Selene shoved back her chair and ran into Rolf’s arms. He caught her close and reseated himself in her vacant chair, pulling her onto his lap. “I’ll give no further details with ladies’ present. Suffice to say the threat is removed. Surprisingly their son was in the car with them.”

“Matthew was in the car? I haven’t seen him since I was a child,” Selene said.

“Yes, if that was ever his real name? He had your passport on him and a visa for your entry into Colombia… Goodness knows what their plans were for you.” He kissed her temple, shuddering at the thought of how things might have turned out if he hadn’t met her. He decided Susi deserved to have the competition prize car. After all, if she hadn’t entered his name into the draw, he’d never have met Selene. His hold tightened on her. He wanted to get her into bed and show her how much he loved her. His cock hardened at the thought.

“Can I steal you away for a moment?” he asked her.

“Actually, I am really tired, could we just call it a night?”

“Of course, suits me.”

They made their goodnights and he led her through the house back to his bedroom which he thought of as his lair.

“Sit down, I have something for you.”

He felt her eyes following him curiously as he went to his desk and removed a plain wooden box from a drawer. Carrying it over to her, he held it out. “For you, from your parents.”

“My parents as in the Hemmings?”

“Yes.” He perched on the bed beside her and watched as she removed the lid from the small wooden box. She lifted out a golden locket and pried it open. Inside were two small pictures of a young man and a woman. “Your parents, apparently just after they married,” he explained softly. Next, she removed a folded sheet of paper which was yellowed at the edges with age. Opening it he watched her face as she read the letter. Refolding it when she’d finished, she passed it over to him. “May I?” he asked before reading the contents.

She nodded, and he realized she was too choked up with emotion to speak.

Our darling Selene,

If you are reading this you will know we are no more. We want you to know you were wanted and so very loved.

Selene, you are special in ways you can’t imagine, and we hope that one day you will be able to seek out others like yourself. Find a pack where you feel safe, protected, cherished and loved. There is nothing evil in our kind. We are simply different. However, the world does not accept us as we are, not yet, perhaps one day, who knows?

Be proud of your heritage. Be happy and find love, our darling girl.

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