Page 16 of Claimed and Tamed

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“Promise?” she cried. Flinging back the duvet she hastened to join her mate.


An hour later, now fully dressed Rolf led Selene into the kitchen. She was wearing a blouse and flirty skirt he’d had to borrow from Luna, his cousin Caden’s wife. The clothes fit well since both women were of similar build. “You remember my cousins Caden and Fergal? These lovely ladies are their wives, Selene meet, Luna, and Aisha. Everyone, meet my mate, soon to become my wife, Selene, that’s if she’ll have me,” Rolf announced as they entered the kitchen.

He felt very proud of her as his family rose to hug her and congratulate him. She had handled everything that had been thrown at her today with surprising strength and maturity. “If you’ll excuse me for a few moments, I want to FaceTime my brother and sister to give them the good news. Aisha, whatever you’re cooking smells divine, and we are both starving, I hope there’s enough for us?”

“Of course, Alpha. Selene, come sit here and we can chat. I’ll fetch you a plate of Irish stew.”

Rolf dropped a kiss on Selene’s cheek and hurried from the room, confident his cousins would make her feel at home. It was imperative he contact Connal and speak with his cousin Brian. It was a relief to find that a plan to attack the Reyes had been devised in a remote location about an hour from Dùn Airgid, an area well-screened by dense forest. It was destined to take place almost at the end of their journey. To attempt a raid on a well-guarded castle full of an unknown quantity of the enemy would likely become a suicide mission. They had learned long ago that a deadly strike and a quick getaway was least injurious to them.

Returning to the kitchen, he wondered how Selene would take the news that he required her to speak with the Reyes in order to assure them she would meet them at the location the ambush was destined to take place.

* * *

“Do I have to?”

“I’m afraid so, yes. It is the only way we can think of to get them to stop in that location. I have already sent them a text from your phone telling them you will meet them at the Castle in Scotland. So, when you speak to them you will explain that you’ve had car trouble and will wait for them to collect you at a crossroads, which they’ll come to en route. Here, I’ve written the names of the villages down for you in case they question you. It should be dark by seven p.m. which is when they think they’ll be meeting you. I’ll be with you when you phone.”

“Won’t they wonder why I want them to meet me in the middle of nowhere?”

“It won’t matter if they do because you’ll ring off before they can argue.”


Rolf swiveled around at the sound of his sister’s voice. “There you are. You were supposed to be here yesterday,” he said reprovingly.

“I know, I know, but I wanted to get my hair done first.”

Susi bounced over and he hugged her, giving an exasperated sigh.

“Who’s this then?” she asked with her usual lack of tact.

“This is my mate, Selene…Macushla, meet my sister Susi.”

“So, you’re the woman who finally captured the heart of my bossy brother, the Alpha. Way to go Selene!” Susi held her hand up for a high five. Giving his sister a wide grin, Selene obliged. Rolf rolled his eyes. It was clear to him that these two were going to more than hit it off. He couldn’t help but hum a few bars from the song, “There’ll Be Trouble Ahead”.

“Great to meet you!” Selene said.

“You too. I’m starved is there anything to eat?” Susi cast about as if expecting food to suddenly appear.

His cousins had discreetrly left the kitchen when he’d returned to talk to Selene, but now that Susi had arrived, they’d all filtered back into the room that was considered the heart of their home.

“I’ll get you and the Alpha a plate of my Irish stew,” Aisha confirmed and bustled about while the others seated themselves at the table. “I’ll make us some tea,” Luna added.

Rolf ate and listened to the chatter from the pack. Selene appeared relaxed around his family, joining in the conversation quite naturally. He felt contented and fulfilled. Selene completed him. As soon as this awful business of her childhood abductors was over, they could make plans and get on with the rest of their lives.

* * *

“It’s time, macushla.” It was five p.m. Saturday evening. Selene and Susi were giggling as they watched an episode fromThe Big Bang Theoryon television. Rolf hated to interrupt but it was necessary. Susi had the remote and turned off the T.V. “I’m coming too for moral support.”

“No,” he said.

“I want Susi there.”

Well, he couldn’t deny Selene. “Okay,” he agreed. The two girls followed him to the operations room where three of the four video screens were live in different locations. Brian was in Northumberland, masterminding the operation, while Connal was secreted with the team in the forest near Aberfoyle, near to the crossroads where the ambush would take place. They were live on the third screen. “Brian, Connal, meet my mate, Selene. Selene, my cousin Brian and my brother Connal.” Once introductions were made, Brian changed his screen so that the words Selene was to use were shown on there.

“Ready?” he asked.

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