Page 1 of Claimed and Tamed

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Destined For The Alpha


“And so, the final decision of the board is thus, since Mr. Mactire claimed his ticket first, the car belongs to him. However, in a gesture of good faith, the marketing company is giving you, Miss Reyes, a year’s supply of Randel’s Soap powder. Good morning to you both.” The lawyers rose to their feet and headed for the door.

“What? You’ve got to be kidding—I won thatcar! I have the winning ticket here to prove it. Just because you made an error, or your computer made an error, does not mean I forfeit my prize. I’m entitled toa car—Hey, where d’you think you’re going? Stop! You can’t all just leave; we are not done here!”

“I think you’ll find we are,” he said reasonably.

“You can just shut up, you thief!”

“I’m only stating the obvious—oomph!”

Swinging her shoulder purse at him, the young woman pushed away from the large conference table to run after the three lawyers fast exiting the conference room.

* * *

Rolf Mactire stayed where he was, he needed time to allow his erection to subside. His strong overwhelming physical reaction to her told him more than the fact she was a shifter, much more. He was certain Selene Reyes was his fated mate. Fully able to sense her emotions and read her thoughts made this chance meeting quite extraordinary. The two of them had not met before today and yet somehow Rolfknewher.

Gazing thoughtfully across the room through the huge glass-plated window at the scudding-grey clouds beyond, he took a sip of the surprisingly good coffee. Rolf had some sympathy for the rather beautiful redhead who had walloped him in the chest with her purse. Winning a hybrid car was no mean prize, and not one to be sniffed at. After all, he had no need of the car. In fact, he’d come here prepared to be magnanimous, but seeing, or more to the pointscenting, the beautiful Miss Reyes had changed all that. Settling the now empty cup back onto its saucer, he stood, brushed down the creases in his trousers and headed to the door.

Stepping from the office building elevator out into the open reception area, he spotted the lovely Selene Reyes sitting in the foyer dabbing at her expressive grey eyes. His nose picked up her elusive scent drawing him to her, and he headed forward, stopping directly in front of her. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out in your favor.”

“Does that mean you’ll hand over the car?” she shot back.

“I might, but I have conditions.”

“I’m not playing games, mister.”

“Look, how about we discuss the situation over lunch, my treat, as a peace offering.”

“I’m not sure, I’m pretty annoyed right now.”

He could tell. Glancing down, he saw her right foot tapping the floor repetitively.

“I know, all the more reason to come and relax, drink a glass of wine and allow me to pay for lunch,” he soothed.

She cocked her head, giving him an assessing look. “Okay. I guess none of this is your fault. Thank you, I accept. It’s very kind of you, especially after I thumped you upstairs…I’m sorry about that by the way. I was disappointed.”

“I’m sure we can find a way for you to make up for your ill-mannered behavior.”

Yes, he was quite certain of that, and his cock agreed.

* * *

He took her to the Leeds Quebecs Hotel. He loved the stained glass and paneled dining room and the food there seemed to be consistently good. After they ordered, he sat back to study her. Large expressive eyes with the depth and iridescence of opals gazed around the exclusive restaurant, taking in the number of well-known celebrities and other wealthy clientele. Her pale, creamy skin contrasted beautifully with her auburn hair. He had always known his fated mate would be a auburn haired. Every woman he’d ever dated had been of her coloring, but none had called to him in such a profound way before. Her heartbeat thrummed through his blood. Her scent told him she was the one as soon as he’d entered the media company’s building earlier. A subtle floral perfume with underlying hints of freshly cut grass drew him to the very room he was meant to be in, meeting the lawyers who were representing the competition organizers. His sharp gaze had alighted on her. The urge to release a howl of primal recognition as his cock had reared in preparation for him to throw her to the floor and claim her there and then. It had taken every ounce of his self-control to control the alpha wolf within. Only years of training had kept the man in charge and blocked the Lupus shift.

“I’m relieved you offered to pay, I’m sure the bill here would wipe out this month’s salary,” she said.

“My pleasure. What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a driving instructor; women instructors are much in demand. Hence my need for the car.” She shrugged.

“So, the car was a necessity for you?”

“Very much so. My father disapproves of my career choice and won’t help me buy a car. Winning this competition was a godsend.”

“I see. What if I said you can have the car, but on one condition?”

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