Page 5 of Wicked Debt

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“CanI get you anything else, ma’am?” the waitress asked.

“No, thank you,” I responded.

“Then you’ll settle the bill?” she asked in a way that made it clear that it wasn’t really a question.

I nodded, smiled, though inside I was fuming.

I pulled out my credit card and tried to do some quick math.

Vahe and his minions had ordered lobster and at least three bottles of wine.

And left me with the bill.

What a freaking gentleman.

Though, I shouldn’t have been surprised.

After all, Vahe was nothing but an arms-dealing creep.

So are you,a little voice whispered in my head.

I ignored it but didn’t dare try to contradict it.

Because it was true.

Vahe was repulsive and crude, but at least he was honest.

I gave over my card, trying not to lament how much this unexpected expense would set me back.

It wouldn’t, I decided.

I owed Elias enough as it was. Paying for meals with his “clients” was not a part of my deal.

Hell, sharing a meal with his “clients” wasn’t a part of my deal either.

But since Elias hadn’t informed me he’d schedule the meet at a restaurant, I hadn’t had a good reason to refuse Vahe’s invitation. Which was how I’d ended up stuck with him and his bodyguards for hours, my need to make sure this transaction was handled smoothly outweighing my desire to be literally anywhere else.

The absurdity of this situation was almost enough to make me laugh.

I needed an expense account for my job moonlighting for the mafia.

I let myself smile, though my heart didn’t feel the emotion. Still, I tried to keep the smile on my face, knowing that a good mood would help me recover from the meeting.

Like always, after I met with Vahe, I felt like I needed a thousand showers. I could practically still feel his eyes on me, felt like he had touched every part of my body.

Of course, I knew that had nothing to do with me.

I had never been a head turner and was completely fine with that. I suspected that was the reason Vahe took so much pleasure in trying to make me squirm.

Not that Elias gave a shit.

He had shown that, and I regretted even telling him of my discomfort.

He didn’t care.

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