Page 24 of Wicked Debt

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Armen paused, then again looked at all of the men.

“After all those years locked in a cage, I wondered if I’d ever see this again. My sons and my soldiers gathered. All of us together again. Yet here we are. So now,” he said after a long moment, “we celebrate.”

At once, the room went up, cheers and applause filling the formerly quiet space.

Davit clapped, and so did Elias, though their expressions still contained a wariness that I didn’t miss.

While the room had been tense before, as the men settled in for their meal, it was full of laughter and loud talking.

Armen was in his element, holding court, telling stories of the old days, most of which I missed between the language and speed of his speech.

“But prison, what is prison for a man like me?” Armen said, laughing loudly.

Despite his laughter, his gaze was on me, and his eyes didn’t match the humor in his tone.

My stomach trembled with nerves, and I looked down and grabbed my fork, resisting the urge to run from the room—or worse, reach for Elias.

I kept my head down and my eyes focused on my plate. I lost track of how many courses were served and barely ate any of them. I took polite bites but didn’t say a single word.

After dinner was over and the plates were cleared, Armen leaned back in his chair, a heavy glass in his hand.

Still looking at me.

I didn’t make eye contact.

Something inside felt like doing so would be a mistake.

But I tried my hardest not to cower away either.

Soon, but not soon enough, Armen either got bored of looking at me or decided he had more important things to do.

I exhaled when he finally looked away.

My relief was short-lived.

“Elias, I thought this dinner was for the family?” Armen said a few moments later.

The room seemed to quiet just a bit, though after a quick glance around, I noticed that none of the men were looking at Armen or Elias.

“It is,” Elias responded.

He had spoken very little during the meal either, but his voice came out clear now.

“Then why is she here?” Armen asked.

I had no doubt who “she” was, and neither did anyone else.

I felt the urge to flee, but it felt like my body was stuck to the chair.

I didn’t know what to do.

Didn’t know if staying was best or if leaving was best.

Didn’t know anything but was surprised when I felt my shoulder brush against Elias’s.

I hadn’t even been aware that I was moving, but that contact with him, brief though it was, served to shake me out of my daze, helped me fight through the fear that had sprung up like a weed.

“She’s not family,” Armen said, pressing the point, “so why is she here?”

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