Page 14 of Wicked Debt

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“Of course. How are Amy and Crystal?” I asked.

At the mention of his wife and daughter, Davit softened. “Wonderful.”

The smile I gave him this time was genuine. “Good. Tell Amy I’ll give her a call this week,” I said.

“Sure,” he responded, his face still soft.

He looked between Elias and me, but I didn’t linger.

After giving Davit a brief good-bye, I practically scurried out of the office and rushed back to my apartment.

I breathed deeply, trying to calm my racing heart.

What are you doing, Kayla?

It was a question I asked myself more and more.

Elias was dangerous.

I knew that.

Had seen evidence of it with my own eyes.

Had told myself over and over that I hated him.

Hated what he was making me do.

Hated what he had taken from me.

But what I felt now was far from hate.

You’re okay. You got this.

I repeated the words over and over, hoping that I would eventually believe them.

Then, I grabbed my phone and pushed in a number, trying to ignore my shaking hands.

Breathed a sigh of relief when my call was answered.

“Hey, Daddy. How are you?” I asked.

I sounded nervous, shaky, but if my father heard it, he didn’t say anything.

Instead, I practically heard his smile over the phone. “Kayla! Good to hear from you, baby girl.”

His booming voice soothed me the way little else could.

It grounded me, made me remember what I was doing this for.


And reminded me what was at stake.

My feelings, be they hatred or desire, meant nothing.

All that mattered was my father’s life.

And I would do whatever it took to save it.

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