Page 19 of Lily's Shadow

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“I don’t ever want her near my child again!” She curls her lip up in my direction.

“Erica, you know I’m going to be her stepmother right? You can’t keep me away. As soon as Austin has custody I’m filing a petition to adopt.” I smile happily.

“Over my dead body.” She replies grabbing the seat Austin just strapped Cordelia into.

“Don’t think I can’t arrange that.” Is all I say as she leaves my house


“Lily, you can’t threaten her, even veiled threats. You know she’ll use it against me.” I say to her.

“I’m sorry Austin she just grrrrrr. She gets to me.” Throwing her hands up she marches back into the kitchen and sits down.

“Austin, have you noticed that while Erica is always dressed for the runway, your daughter is wearing rags?” She asks with narrowed eyes.

I sink down into a chair across the table from Lily. Running my hands through my hair. Suddenly it all sinks in. Even after Taylor called me yesterday, it didn’t really hit me. But now it’s all I can think about.

That little girl that was just carried out of here by an evil, heartless excuse for a human being, is my daughter. It’s been assumed but now it’s official.

Lily stands up from her chair. Walking around the table, she nudges me back then sits herself in my lap. She pushes my hands away and starts running her fingers over my scalp. How does this woman know what I need? I think to myself, enjoying her hands on me.

“Breakfast is ruined. I wanted to treat you to breakfast in bed. My plan was to feed you then seduce you, we would have spent the whole day in your bed.” I grumble, thinking about it all.

“It will be ok, Austin. We can go shopping in the city then set up Cordy’s room.” She smiles happily at me.

“But it’s your only day off and you’ve been working so much. I know you just wanted to chill today.” I look at her beautiful face.

She tilts my head up until we are making eye contact. “Austin, listen to me. Once that little girl is ours, I can take a day off. For now let’s go get her everything she needs.”

“Wait a minute, did you just say ours?” I grin at her words.

“Yes, she is ours. I have fallen in love with Cordelia Montgomery and her Daddy isn’t too hard on the eyes. So I’m thinking of keeping him around. Well that is if he wants me.” She looks at me, waiting for my reaction. I don’t immediately say anything so she walks away without another word.

I scrape the ruined food into the trash as she gets Loki suited up in his service vest and gets dressed. I’ve never seen her use it on him before so I ask about it.

“He’s registered as a protection animal. Wearing the service vest gets him access to businesses that typically don’t allow pets and tells people not to approach him.” She explains it to me.

“Why doesn’t he wear it more often?” I ask her.

“He did when we first moved here but the people of White Summer know who he is now. So it’s not necessary. Since we are going to the city it’s required.” She shrugs her shoulders.

It’s almost four hours later when we return to the house wore out. We are both exhausted but excited at the same time.

“You know Miss Harris, I always dreamed I would have three or four kids.” I murmur.

“Is that so Mr. Montgomery?” she responds breathily.

“Yes it is.” I say pulling her to me. I wrap my arms around her, so she can’t get away. “After Erica trashed my life, I never thought I would have a family. But you, Miss Harris, have given me hope. Thank you.”

“Wanna go finish what got interrupted this morning? We can unload tomorrow.” She asks, rubbing against me. I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to the bedroom.

Chapter 8


It’s finally Monday which means only four more days until the court hearing. Austin left for work about an hour ago and I’m not due to be at the shop until after lunch.

I have a client coming in for a touch-up on an old piece he had done years ago when he and his wife first got married.

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