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"Don’t be fooled by my youth. I was born wiser than my years."

My lips twitch. "That’s why you turned and ran after you came across me last night?"

She flushes, then dips her head so her thick auburn hair falls over her face. "That was different," she coughs.

"How is it different? If you had experience, you’d have managed the situation a little more like a grown-up."

"I didn’t mean to barge into your room like that. I only wanted to ask what time you planned to leave for the office today."

"And now, you’re trying to change the topic."

She reddens even more, if that’s possible. Her brown eyes flash at me. "I am not. I’m simply trying to explain why I walked into your room to find you—"

"Jerking off?"

Her breath stutters, then she tips up her chin and meets my gaze. "I was going to go with wanking, but sure, we can call it jerking off."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Excuse me?"

"It’s an easy enough question. Did you like what you saw?"

"You do realize I’m your son’s girlfriend?” She swallows.

“And both of you need a roof over your heads, not to mention, the job I offered you."

"So that means you can say anything to me and I have to take it?"

I stare at her, and she firms her lips.

"You do realize, you’re crossing all kinds of lines here?" she says in a low voice.

"I’ve crossed lines all my life, what’s one more?"



So that wasn’t awkward at all. I’d hoped he’d just not allude to what happened; that he’d pretend it never took place and then, we’d drive to work and he’d tell me about my new role and what he expects from me… Instead, after that excruciating exchange, which left me uncomfortable and with misgivings—and I hate to say, a little turned on, too—he seemed to lose interest in me and focused on his phone for the rest of the trip.

The fact that he’d brought up our little encounter surprised me so much I’d forgotten to ask him about the turtle. Well, it’s something I’m going to bring up… at the appropriate time. Nothing like being armed with knowledge, right?

After a mostly silent trip—where I had tried hard not to take a lungful of JJ-scented air, how creepy would that have been? — we arrive at the offices of his company, and he hands me off to his HR manager. For the next three hours, Jillian walks me through a quick introduction to the company, has me sign the employment contract—which all seems above-board, except when I come to the part about the salary. The figure I see makes my heart stutter. It’s five times what I expected to make in this position. I check with Jillian and she confirms that, indeed, that is the salary for the position. It’s the amount he would have paid Isaac, supposedly. The rest of the session passes without incident. All too soon, she’s walking me to the top floor of the building, and down a corridor so hushed the pads of my heeled feet on the carpet seem to echo around the space. We walk past rows of offices with glass doors through which I see people at work on computers, then a massive conference room packed with stony-faced, suited executives, until finally we arrive at double doors with handles of which is carvedKane. Very subtle. I snort to myself and Jillian glances at me curiously.

"Sorry." I roll my shoulders. "I’m nervous, is all."

She nods. "You have good reason to be. This is a brand-new role where you will be working in close proximity with him. I can’t say I envy you."

Is that supposed to be reassuring?

We pause in front of the desk next to the double doors, and a blonde haired, blue-eyed woman glances up from her computer. Her makeup is perfect; winged eyeliner graces her doe eyes. She ignores me and frowns at Jillian. "He’s busy."

"He also instructed me to bring her to his office as soon as I completed her orientation."

She looks me up and down then scowls. "Who’s she?"

What’s up her ass?Does everyone who works with this man have an attitude or what?

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