Page 42 of Reunited Soulmates

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I was holding close the woman who had the ability to fuck with my common sense completely while she was dressed to get laid, her soft breast pressed against my side. Her closeness still had a damned tent forming in my pants.

But of course, I shouldn’t be taking advantage of her like this.

It still sucked either way.

When we got to her home, Amanda was still asleep, so I paid the taxi driver and carried Amanda up to the doorstep, only to realize that the door was locked and I had no way of getting in. I sighed and gently shook her awake.

“Amanda,” I whispered. “We’re at your home now.”

“Hmm?” she muttered sleepily, burying her nose closer to my chest like a puppy.

I smiled like an idiot for a moment, but I really had to get her awake and in bed now. I shook her gently again.

“Five more minutes,” she groused, pouting like a kindergartner who didn’t get her way.

“We have to get inside,” I told her. “I’m standing here like an idiot.”

Her eyes blinked open blearily, and a smile slowly spread across her face. “You are an idiot.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Gee, thanks.”

She laughed and wiggled out of my arms. She fumbled at her purse for a while before she found the key and opened the door.

At the sight of us at the door, Buddy was instantly on his feet, rushing towards Amanda. He let out a low whine when he sensed there was something wrong. He sat there on his haunches, his tail wagging a little uncertainly as he looked up at us.

Amanda fell to the floor and he anxiously licked her face, which made her laugh a little. Satisfied that his human was still relatively alright, Buddy’s tail began to wag more enthusiastically, and he continued to lick her face in earnest, covering her in dog slobber.

I had to smile at the sight of both of them like that on the floor.

“You need to wash up a bit so you can clear your head a little,” I told her, closing the door behind us.

Amanda nodded gratefully and allowed me to help her into the bathroom to wash up. I stood by as she splashed some water on her face and swiped at it with a towel. She was still a bit out of balance, so I helped her out to a chair in the kitchen and fetched her a glass of water. She needed to hydrate, or she would have one heck of a hangover in the morning. She took the glass and I made sure she finished it before I set it aside.

We sat there for a moment in complete silence, not really looking at each other. It was a pretty awkward situation.

“You were right,” she finally said.

I looked up at her in confusion.

“About Dan,” she clarified, her words still slurring together a bit. She folded her arms on the table and laid her forehead down. “My head feels soooo heavy.”

“Let’s get you to the couch so you can lie down for a bit,” I suggested.

She nodded weakly and allowed me to pull her to the couch. Another awkward silence blanketed us, which was broken when Buddy jumped up to join Amanda.

Dogs were quite perceptive creatures, and Buddy was proof of that. He laid his head on Amanda’s lap, his deep brown eyes staring soulfully at her, as if he could sense her pain.

“We were on our way to dinner,” she murmured sadly, stroking Buddy’s head. “I thought he wasproposing, for God’s sake. I even wore this,” she gestured at the dress, and I noticed once again how it dipped low between her breasts, the hemline skimming her thighs. The shimmering material was like silk, and it highlighted her curves even more.

I had often heard from female friends—and even from Elle—how red and black were such powerful colors, which was why almost every woman had them in their arsenal. White, I had been told, was on the opposite spectrum. It was soft and pure.

But this creamy, off-white color was nowhere near angelic on Amanda.

In fact, it was downright sinful.

“He was late,” she continued, bitterness and anger seeping into her tone. “I called him several times but he never answered. When he finally arrived—thirty minutes late—I sensed something wasn’t quite right.”

I wanted to hold her close as tears began to trickle down her cheeks, but I held myself in check. My hands balled into fists at my side as I watched her, but knew that the best I could do right now was to hear her out.

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