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While everyone clapped, her gaze strayed to Stefano. He wasn’t clapping, but he was staring directly at her. She wished she could read his mind.


STEFANO’S HEART SLAMMED into his chest as he stared at Jules’s holding the bridal bouquet. She stared right back at him.

She was trying to tell him something, but what? He had to get this right. He couldn’t afford to make any more mistakes.

Had she forgiven him? Was she willing to give him another chance? Live in the moment—her words echoed through his mind. He needed to trust her and her decisions—no matter what direction they led her. Although he prayed that it would be toward him.

Stefano straightened his shoulders. This had been put off long enough. He would let her know that he loved her and then he’d accept whatever decision she made.

He started toward her only to have her pulled aside for more wedding photos, this time holding the bridal bouquet. There was no way he was intruding on that moment. He’d had enough photos of himself taken to last him the rest of his life. But he also wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

He didn’t know how much time passed as he talked to one distant relative after the other—some he didn’t even recall their names and had to fake it. And every time he was free, Jules was having more photos taken or being escorted around the dance floor. Even his father had taken his turn dancing with her.

“What are you waiting for, boy?”

He turned to find Nonno behind him. His grandfather’s gaze moved from him to Jules, who was getting a drink of punch. How did his grandfather know what he was waiting to say? Was it that obvious?

“I...I didn’t want to bother her.”

With the aid of a walker, his grandfather moved next to him and lowered his voice. “You aren’t going to bother her. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Don’t let her get away.”

“ think she’ll want me after I messed up?” His grandfather nodded and Stefano added, “Thanks, Nonno.”

“Go. Be happy.”

Jules didn’t see him approaching, and she started to walk in the opposite direction. He wasn’t going to turn back, not until he got this off his chest. He continued following and inwardly groaned when she approached Dante and Lizzie. The last thing he wanted to do was lay his heart on the line in front of his brother. There had to be a better way, but he was running out of time. Determined not to lose his chance, he continued over and joined the small group. They were deep in conversation.

Jules looked directly at her sister. “I wanted to let you two know that I won’t need a ride tomorrow morning to the airport.”

“What?” Lizzie’s eyes opened wide. “But why not?”

“You know I love you.” Jules’s tone was low and firm. “And I know that if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be standing here. You’ve been the most amazing sister, but there’s something I’ve been trying to tell you. For one reason or another it was never the right time. I’m beginning to think there’ll never be a right time, so I’m just going to say it.”

No one moved. Stefano wasn’t even sure that Lizzie breathed as she stood transfixed on her sister. Mentally he urged Jules onward. It was finally time that she spoke up for herself.

“It’s past time I start making my own decisions and for you to respect them.”

Lizzie sent her a worried look. “I have a feeling I’m not going to like this.”

“Probably not. But here it goes, anyway. I’m not going to grad school.” Lizzie opened her mouth, but Jules held up her palm, silencing her. “I know that you already paid the tuition. Whatever isn’t refundable, I’ll pay you back.”

Lizzie looked more stunned than upset. “But why? I thought this is what you wanted—to help the kids like us.”

“I do. But social work isn’t for me.” Jules glanced down and wiggled her sandaled foot on the floor. “The thing is I can’t follow all of their rules all of the time. Sometimes they just don’t make sense. And, well, I spoke up one too many times, and they let me go from my internship early.”

“Oh. Jules, I’m sorry. But that doesn’t mean—”

“It means that I wasn’t happy there. And I will find another way to help less fortunate children. I already have some ideas.”

Concern creased Lizzie’s face. “I...I don’t know what to say. Are you sure about this?”

“I’m absolutely certain. This isn’t a decision I made lightly. I’ve thought about it for a long time.”

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