Page 104 of Seized By Magic

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I couldn’t tell them apart, so maybe I had to decide how much of them I needed to use.

Did I even need all the ingredients available? It would be just like Mrs. Sharrinton to trick us like that.

Theo’s arm brushed mine and his pinky stuck out, pointing directly at the third vial from him. I picked it up and read the label. Ashwagandha extract. I wasn’t sure how much to put in, but if this was the base, I probably needed a lot.

I uncorked it and gently tipped it over, letting the yellow liquid flow out slowly. He knocked my arm when almost all of it was gone, and I quickly straightened the bottle and returned the lid.

A teeny tiny part of me felt guilty about cheating, but this was ridiculous. She could have at least told us to review potions ahead of time. We spent so many weeks on portals and object manipulation that I was sure that was what we would be tested on.

Theo stirred his, so I did. Then he picked up the knife and vial labeled “Rhodiola Rosea” and dipped the tip of it inside, getting a tiny amount of crushed herb and dropping it in. He repeated that three times as I followed along.

I tried not to let my eyes stray too often in case Mrs. Sharrinton was watching as I pretended to consider each step while waiting for Theo to show me what to do.

By the end, it turned into a game. Theo would take one ingredient and start to uncork it, so I would. Then he’d suddenly switch with his vampire speed, and I had to catch myself before adding something wrong.

Mrs. Sharrinton strode through each line of tables, checking the contents of the cauldrons either by sight alone or bringing a ladle up to smell.

She said nothing. Revealed nothing. She didn’t even have a grading sheet with her. How was she going to remember who passed or not?

When she stopped in front of me and Theo, she peered into each of ours, then continued on.

I shot a look at Theo, and he winked in response. I guess we’d done well, or well enough.

“That’s time. If you feel you created the energy renewal correctly, feel free to bottle your potion for your use.”

But if we didn’t feel it was correct? Was not bottling it admitting to failure?

I didn’t want to know. Theo handed me an extra bottle he got from the nearby shelves, and I poured mine in to use later, maybe before the day ended.

Once we were outside, I breathed in the crisp winter air and let out a laugh. “That was insane.”

Theo hugged me from behind. “You’re a sneaky one.”

Hannah shook her head in front of me while Daniel rubbed her arms. “I thought for sure we’d be creating portals. I haven’t looked at that potion in months.”

“Let’s just be glad we survived.” Daniel sighed. “I’m exhausted, and we’re only halfway through.”

I groaned and dropped my head back against Theo’s chest. “Please tell me Lit won’t be bad.”

Hannah waved off my concern. “It’s a review of what we’ve read so far. You’ll be fine.”

“Then I have Water and Earth. Who knows what will happen there?”

“Niall will help you if you need it.” Theo squeezed my shoulders.

As much as I didn’t want to need help, he was right. I wasn’t alone for at least one of the classes.

It turned out I was stressing over nothing. I might not have realized it as it was happening, but my magic had grown exponentially since the bond. Even with my being in a coma for most of it.

In Water, I was able to summon and manipulate without hesitation. It felt so natural. And in Earth, I was only tested on vegetation manipulation, which came a lot easier than healing and was less destructive than earth manipulation. It still amazed me I could simply touch a plant and help it grow. It came easily but didn’t leave me feeling fulfilled. I wondered if it was different for my mom. She had a flower shop, so she must have connected with her affinity in a way I didn’t.

I took the tunnels back to our apartment and found all the guys waiting for me.

“Don’t you have practice?” I asked Theo as I dropped my backpack next to the door.

“No, we have this week off.” He handed me a can before taking another out of the fridge.

Sai and Kaden were spread out on the couch, and Niall was sitting at the bar reading.

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