Page 103 of Seized By Magic

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Chapter 24

As much as I wanted things to change and for the five of us to grow closer, we fell into a routine that centered around studying.

If any of us were home, we were either in the loft or in our rooms cramming as much as we could before midterms.

But time was up. All of our tests were today. One horrible, endless, mind-melting day of back-to-back exams.

History and math were straightforward. I knew the material to the point that I could probably recite paragraphs from the texts. There were no surprises when I read through the packets of questions and was able to get through them without much trouble.

The real problem came when I stepped into Science with Hannah.

There was no stack of papers for us to pick up on our way to our tables.

“What do you think is happening?” I whispered.

She shook her head, looking equally confused. “It could be a practical.”

No. Oh, no. The class syllabus said a multiple-choice exam. What could that possibly mean besides a normal, standardized test?

Mrs. Sharrinton didn’t speak or make eye contact with any of us as we filed in. She shuffled her tarot cards with a small, yet sinister, smile.

Theo took his seat next to me and leaned over. “What’s going on?”

I shook my head, too afraid to reply. I was already at a disadvantage in this class. I didn’t need to draw extra attention to myself by breaking the silence in the room.

Once the last student arrived and the clock ticked to start class, Mrs. Sharrinton’s eyes rose to scan us row by row.

“Your exams start now.” With a flourish of her hands, materials appeared in front of each of us.

I took a second to look at Theo and Hannah, but they were both staring at the pile in front of them, so I did the same.

No matter what, I had to remain calm. I could get through this. My powers were growing by the day. I figured out how to portal an object on the spot, and I could pass this test.

In front of me was a small cauldron, six various-sized vials filled with a different colored liquid or herb, a knife, three white crystals, and one sheet of paper.

I read over the paper and nearly balled it up and threw it across the room. It wasn’t helpful. There were no instructions. The only words were, “Make an energy restoring potion.”

That was it.

We hadn’t covered potions since the beginning of the year when I came in late. I was so far behind and so overwhelmed, I barely understood a single word. The only real experience I had making anything was with Mrs. Hedgings, but I always had her help. She walked me through each step.

I knew the ingredients for my sleeping potion, but an energy renewing potion? Where did I even start? The vials were all foreign to me. Nothing remotely similar to the sleeping potion.

Great. She was probably going to make us drink these at the end of class to test them. I was going to end up accidentally killing myself.

No. I could do this.

I closed my eyes and took in a few deep breaths.

Now go.

I opened my eyes and carefully looked around. Theo had a fire lit under his cauldron, so I started there. I didn’t have his fire magic, so I had to use one of the electric burners from the storage closet. A few other students were over there, so I figured that wasn’t off-limits.

Hannah turned with hers just as I got in line and offered me an encouraging smile.

Right, one thing at a time. I could handle this.

Once my burner and caldron were set up, I looked over the ingredients again. The three crystals looked identical to me, but that didn’t mean they were the same material. I lifted each, looking for any changes in color or clarity before sniffing each.

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