Page 9 of Creed

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I march my way out the front door and over to his steps before I have time to reconsider. He answers as soon as I knock. “Hey,” I say, “I changed my mind.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, I’d love to have dinner with you tonight. Deadline be damned.” Deep down, I wonder if maybe I need the extra inspiration to get my juices flowing.

And maybe a little close contact couldn’t hurt either.

“Six o’clock,” he says with a big smile.

“Sounds like a plan.” I turn away on shaky knees, wondering how a day that started off so run of the mill ended up as exciting as this. I nix the idea of printing off my pages, realizing that my fingers are aching to type.

I make a cup of tea, grab my laptop and sit on the sofa. Esme cuddles up beside me as I take a deep breath and start typing about the new guy in town who owns a tattoo shop and is going to help the amateur sleuth in my cozy mystery solve her latest case and maybe win her over in the process.

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