Page 27 of Her Alaskan Men

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If she convinced him, she would be home free. Would he trust her enough to take her and trust in her enough that she would return? She realized in that instant her actions would outweigh her words. Even if she assured them of her promise to come back, her actually coming back was all she neededtodo.

She crawled toward him. They knew what she was about to say. She sensed Jacob and Zach rising slowly from their seats, guitar and wood carvings discarded for her. The atmosphere sizzledbetweenthem.

She laid her head onEthan'sknee.

“Please,” shewhispered.

Ethan parted his knees forcing her to lift her head. He came a bit forward in his seat and took her chin inhishand.

“Please what?” he asked, full of dark desire, but a hint of caution too. Not for him. For her. That she better know exactly what she was asking of them. There would be no going back afterward. If she dared hurt Zach and Jacob after they gave her what she wanted, she'd answertohim.

“Please. Please take me,” she whispered. Zach and Jacob came to stand at her side. She was crowded in. They were so overpowering, all of them. How could she take them all inside her body? But she had will, and they would knowtheway.

“Say that louder.” Ethan tilted her face up, still gripping her chin in his powerful vice-likehand.

“I want, no, I need you all to fuck me, please, please,please.”

He removed his hand and stared her. If he expected her to rescind because of her fear, he didn't know heratall.

“I want all of you. Ethan, Zach, Jacob. I want to feel each one of you inside me, together, one after the other, however possible, but I want to feel your bodies against mine. Your cocks inside me.” She didn't know how to make herselfclearer.

Ethan sat back in his chair. He rubbed his chin as heregardedher.

“Is it only because we deprived you of coming that you think this is theanswer?”

“No, it'snot.I—”

“You have permission to make yourself come,Summer.”

“No. I want all three of you, please. I'm giving you my permission. My consent.”My word that even though I'm leaving, I willreturn.

“Please, fuck me, Iwantthis.”

He stared her down for longer this time. “Get onto the bed,” he instructed her at last. Her heart threatened to explode as she crawled to the bed, her bells jingling away, the butt plug making itself known in no uncertainterms.

She rose and sat in the center of the bed with her legs folded underneath her and her hands in her lap. Her head tilted down, but from their position, she could see all three men standing and whispering quietly. She could make outnothing.

Please don'trejectme.

Still from her downcast eyes, she saw three pairs of enormous boots come toward her. She prayed she didn't faint from the excitement, the unknown, the eroticism before they got to her. They could stillsayno.

“Come closer and look at your men,” Ethan ordered. She crept toward the foot of the bed, then raised her head. Her mouth dried then watered crazily. They were undressing right before her. They worked the buttons on their shirts, their eyes fixedonher.

“Show us your pussy, Angel,” Jacob said as he peeled off hisshirt.

She rose on her knees, her legsspread.

“Show us how wet you are for us,” Zach’s lulling baritone whispered to her. “But don't forget, the rule of you not coming without our permission isstillon.”

She reached between her thighs and slid her fingers into her center. Her fingers sank into her sticky wetness. They were going to love her. She didn't dare close her eyes even though the touch between her legs was enough to send her over the edge. First because she didn't want to miss a moment of them stripping for her and second because they hadn't yet given her permissiontocome.

They had better give her that permission soon or she was going to disobey themsomethingepic.

She licked her lips. They were gloriously naked. She knew their bodies were amazing. They lived a hard life, using the sheer strength of their bodies to survive. She knew their cocks were bigger than average too. But seeing them in all their nakedness took her breath away. They were in one word: gods. Perfectly molded muscles, healthy skin, and cocks which now appeared enormous. And all she wanted was to please them. There was nothing they could ask of her that she would saynoto.

They stroked their cocks, readying themselves for her. She lifted her wet hand to her mouth and licked her fingers, slowly, provocatively,teasingthem.

They growled at her and charged her. She loved that instant moment of dark fear that rushed down her spine. They were fully erect and they were going to use her for their cocks, wherever they wished to use her. Could she really takethemall?

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