Page 26 of Her Alaskan Men

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Did Zach know how to read herthoughts?

“We've punished you enough already for one night, little one. But, no orgasm for you, little one. That is part of the punishment.” Zachexplained.

He did read herthoughts.

“You're still on probation.” Ethanadded.

Probation? Were they fucking serious? They came in her mouth, dominated her tits, spanked her ass then put a plug into it and she wasn't allowed to come. Theyweremean.

She huffed with annoyance, shivered with arousal and had no idea what to do with the butt plug in her ass. Jacob untied her. He steadied her on her feet then did what he always did—he kissed her wrists and arms and gentlymassagedher.

Standing with a plug in her butt was the most unusual sensation she'd ever experienced. It felt huge and seemed to weigh her down and yet she knew in her mind she exaggerated everything about it. And how was she going to walk? And what about her scorching behind? They certainly didn't go soft on her and she suffered all the consequences ten times over. And what about her poor, poor pussy, stuck in a state of excitement and no orgasm to help her outofit.

“You did great.” Zach came and took a kiss from her lips. Then Ethan took his. They were making this very hard on her. How could she kill her arousal if they kept touching her? No, actually if they even just continued moving, her arousal increased. She didn't need much from them to go full outvixen.

But they weren't done withheryet.

From the box they had pulled out from under a cabinet, Zach brought what looked like a dog's collar. She swallowed. Who was this person she had become? A leather leash and she was crazily turned on again, and that on top of her previousarousal.

Ethan fastened the leather around her throat. The leash end was slipped around her finger. When they wanted to lead her, they would take that end from her and she would follow without any hesitation, even on her knees if they sowished.

That wasn't the only adornment she would wear. Jacob clipped a chain onto her collar and attached to the chain were two bells. If she moved the bells would clink together andjingle.

“All right?” Ethan asked her and patted her behind. She mewled and nodded. “Good, on all fours,mypet.”

She dropped to her knees and palms and crawled as Ethan led her by the leash. The bells announced her everymovement.

Jacob had put a thick comforter and blanket into the cage she'd arrived in and now Zach held the gate openforher.

She didn't ask questions, or protest or try to bargain her way out of it. To her it seemed the absolute right thing to follow what they had already done to her. There in that cage, her submission to them would be complete. And they would let her stay there for as long as they wanted and she would lie there with her achy backside, a plug in her ass and her pussy frantic with the needtocome.

Her punishment would come full circle and she thrilled at the idea of being treated that way. Of having her say and her control taken away and being solely dependentonthem.

Yet, even so, the ultimate control belonged to her. She had that unique power over them and it was hers entirely. Herconsent.

She crept into her cage and immediately curled up. It seemed bigger now than before and if she lay on her side and brought her knees up she could rest quitecomfortably.

They didn't lock her in. Was that an invitation to come to them? Soon though her tiredness won. Her body needed to rest and the bed Jacob had made for her was comforting and inviting. She napped for a little bit then slowly openedhereyes.

Facing them, her gaze took in those three beautiful men. They had cleared the table of the meal she prepared. They were now comfortable in their respectivechairs.

Zach with his wood carvings. Jacob with his guitar. Ethan with his book. They ignored her and that just increased her arousal. In this cage and so generously and painstakingly dominated, she was simply their toy, to do with as they pleased. The only reason she didn't feel compelled to cry feminism was because of the real truth behind herstation.

They treated her this way and she allowed them to treat her this way. It came down to preference and each of the four of them played the role they were born to play. She was their submissive, their toy, their pet. They were her Masters, her Sirs, her dominants. What balanced both scales of power was only onething.

They revered her above anything else. She felt it in the way they touched her, spoke to her, cared for her, spanked her. They respected her by allowing her to be who she was. She would have never known this side of herself if she hadn't met them. She'd have lived a half-life, never really being content in any of her future relationships because unlike any other men she had known, only Ethan, Zach, and Jacob really understood her without her having to explainherself.

They were so gorgeous. She sighed. Strong, resilient, protective of her. Jacob, with his head bowed, his long blond hair concealing his beautiful eyes as he strummed his guitar. He licked his lip and she only saw the tip as it brushed his upper lip. She skipped a breath as she remembered what his tongue could dotoher.

Zach. Her heart missed more beats as she glanced him. His thick brows pulled together in concentration as his expert fingers made beautiful things out of wood. For all his soothing calmness, he was a strict disciplinarian who knew how tohandleher.

Her glance shifted to Ethan. Fierce. Powerful. And he'd kill any man who dared touch her. He'd read something funny from the book he held. His perfectly sculpted mouth lifted at the side. He rarely smiled. But when he smiled at her, she feltgifted.

All three so different and yet one didn't quite work without the other two. They were a trio and she wanted to be in the middle of them. She couldn't deny she might have fallen in lovewiththem.

She crept up and crawled out of her cage. The bells on her collar, breaking the serenity of the room. All eyes were on her as she crawled toward them. She knew who she needed togoto.


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