Page 11 of Her Alaskan Men

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“Sit in the corner facing the wall,” Zach instructed her. “We'll deal with you after we have cleaned up this messyoumade.”

“Go to hell,” she said saucily, folding her arms over her chest. She hated the clothes she wore, they were so big, she had to drag them with her whenever she moved. She had had enough. At first, she was intrigued and fascinated by them. But now she wanted to get back to the real world. Herworld.

“That will be an extra five whips, little one. And another for every other word you utter from now. To the corner, now.” Zach? Zach was her Mr. Charming himself and now he was being almost as stern asEthan.

She looked at Jacob who gave her a pleading look then she stormed off to the corner. Ethan was examining the damage she had done to their door and Zach was already picking up the plates she had flung to thefloor.

She sat facing the wall, with her arms crossed over boobs and her legs folded under her. What wasshe?Five?

After less than an hour, the smell of a stew brewing on the fire hit her. She knew her timewasup.

“Go fetch her,” Zach instructedJacob.

She rose before he could reach her. He slipped his hand in hers and walked her to Zach who was standing over abench.

“Remove all the clothes,” he instructed. She rolled her eyes and did as she was told. She was no longer aroused by the idea of being spanked. She was not in that deluded state anymore. She had to get back before Jeff gave everything to London. That would ruin her careercompletely.

She stripped. Zach sat down on the bench. He didn't have a belt or anything. He was going to usehishand.

“Come, bend over me, girl.” She did as she was told, as stiffly as shecould.

The first strike landed without warning. Whack. She screamed and another two followed quickly. Fuck that hurt. He was actuallyhurtingher.

“Now, since you are being uncooperative, we will have to differentiate from our promise regarding fucking you.” Oh, god they were going to take her by force. Her pussy clenched and her ass seemed toburnmore.

“When we said we wouldn't fuck you, it was meant to imply we would not penetrate your pussy. Our cocks, our fingers, or any toys we have will not be allowed inside your pussy unless you give us the consent to do that. I need your verbal understanding on that point, Summer. Be clear,” he said and slapped her ass check fuck-hardagain.

She gritted her teeth, annoyed she was so wet and yet she was inrealpain.

“I understand. You will not penetrate my pussy with your cocks, fingers, or toys. I understand, nowpleasestop.”

“But I am only starting. While we will at all costs respect the pussy penetration contract between us, that does leave your pussy vulnerable to our palms and ourtongues.Yes?”

More strikes were delivered. She shook like jelly and was probably leaking her wetness ontohislap.

“Yes,” she shouted and rubbed her clit against his thigh. She hoped it would go unnoticed but Zach slapped her again andchuckled.

“Jacob? Your tongue, please,”hesaid.

“What? No!” But she got no further. She twisted behind her to see Jacob's head at her ass. Then his tongue licked her and the wet slurp sound of it gaveheraway.

Jacob then started sucking on her with his signature enthusiasm and Zach took great pleasure in reddening her ass. The combination drove her crazy. She never felt this turned-on even with a dick inside her.Notever.

“Do you like this?” Zach askedmockingher.

“No,” she shouted. “I fucking hate it,” shescreamed.

“Good, then this will be a good punishment for you. We can't have you enjoying our punishment, now can we? And of course, you will not come, now will you? Because you fucking hate it. And will remember to do your chores,right?”


Zach laid into her now. Jacob sucked away at her. He'd peeled aside her lips and his tongue lapped up and down her entrance. She was in the mostdelicioushell.

“Jacob, I think we need to up the ante.” Zach's hand slid down her scorching behind and dipped to her pussy. She shuddered and bit the inside her cheek as he pinched her clit between his thumb and index finger. But he said no fingers. No, she corrected herself. He said no fingersinsideher.

“See that little bead, Jacob? That’s her clit and she hates it when you suck her there. Go for it boy, make her hate itevenmore.”

Zach was the devil, shedecided.

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