Page 10 of Her Alaskan Men

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Well, Mr. Grumpy, screw you, I don't want you to fuck meeither.

“Put the damn clothes on,” he said again, grinding his teeth in frustration, standing directlybeforeher.

She refused. Obviously, her nakedness had no effect on him so what would it matter to him for her to cover herself in those ridiculously over-sized clothes. Which brought her to her next question. How on earth was she going to survive two weeks without anything? No toothbrush, no lotion, no heel balm, no blow-drier, never mind that, no hairbrush? They had not thought this through,surely.

“No?” His perfectly dark, thick and glossy eyebrows arched, like a warning. If she didn't do as she was told, there'd be consequences.Bigones.

She stood her ground in the eerily silent room. She found herself interpreting his glare. Oh no. He grabbed the pants she still held in her hand then bent at his knees and picked her up. His arm wound around her thighs and he tossed over hisshoulder.

Summer forget to demonstrate her outrage. She was too busying being singed by his touch. He left hot spots all over her body. It was okay to react that way to Jacob. But then she had the same reaction to Zach with that small touch. And now Ethan, too. And he didn’t evenlikeher.

That wasn’t right and she started wriggling frenetically against him. They were always threatening her with a spanking if she didn't do as she was told so it made sense his mightily broad palm branded her naked ass into submission while he pulled the pant leg up over her ankle andcalves.

If she was hot and wet before, she was now that a hundred times more. The thing that turned her on even more? Zach and Jacob witnessing her humiliation. In that came her completearousal.

He set her back on her feet, pulled up the pants and slipped her arms through the long-sleeve t-shirt.

After glaring at her for intense moments, he sighed andturnedaway.

She frowned and chewed on her lip. Ethan really didn't like her so she thought he would not want to touch her any more than was absolutely necessary. Like put her clothes on so she wasn’t parading around naked. And yet his touch affected her.Alot.

“You'll take over Jacob's chores and that means you'll clean, properly and thoroughly, wash our clothes and cook. We'll be back in time for an early supper,” Ethan said over his shoulder as he gathered his rifle, ax, and coat and headed outthedoor.

Zach and Jacob did the same, but before Jacob could leave, he rushed toward her and kissed her tenderly on hercheek.

“I'll miss you,” he whispered, his gaze taking her in. It didn't escape her that after sucking on her panties he had put them into his jeanspocket.

Summer stood there for long moments, staring at the closed door. Maybe she would wakeupnow?

After tapping her well-manicured nails on her hip for a beat, she hurriedly sprinted toward the door, drowning in the clothes Ethan had forcedherinto.

She had every intention of retracing her steps, more carefully this time, and finding her way back to Jeff. She might even run into a member of the search party he must have organized. He might not like her, but she had the Alaskan swimsuit contract to fulfill, and the Rochelle one, too. He featured prominently in both, so for his career he would move aside trees to find her.Right?

The heavy door was bolted shut and locked. She had no escape. She explored the house and found a rather well developed bathroom closed off from the rest of the living areas with a thick curtain. No plumbing, but a massive wooden tub stood in the center and she a found a large pot hanging over adeadfire.

They lived off the grid, but at least there was a toilet. She refused to think how itworked.

After relieving herself, she washed her hands with homemade soap and dried them on a rather soft and luxurious towel. They certainly splurged on certain things, she was happytofind.

She had no concept of time. She hadn’t a clue how many hours had passed since she ran away. At least she knew it was the same day, they had just eaten breakfast and started their day. Jeff better not wait the allotted twenty-four hours before she became an official missingperson.

She ignored the dishes and further explored the house. She peeked behind another thick curtain and was surprised it cordoned off an area with painting supplies, including a half-finished landscape on canvas. It looked feminine and she guessed it must have been Jacob's mama'sstudio.

She touched the old brushes and a rush of excitement fired up inside her. She quickly closed the curtain. Painting was not for heranymore.

She passed the table still laid with their breakfast dishes, poured herself more coffee and picking up a book that had been left open on a table, she curled onto the sofa. She read a little about some boring war and sipped her coffee. Her eyes filled with tears when she thought about what Jeff had said about her. She couldn't help but sob to herself and took a long time, what felt like hours, feeling sorry for herself. But her anger soon returned. She had to show that dick Jeff she was not a prude. She had to get out there. Springing off the chair, she yanked at the door like crazy. She perused her surroundings for anything shecoulduse.

She picked up a butter knife and tried to pick the lock, but failed. She found an ax and after heaving it five times at the door, with no great strength, she slumped down in exhaustion. All she had done was bruise the heavy wood with quite ugly slashes. She screamed out all herfrustrations.

She had acted so stupidly. So naively. A modern woman would not have run out as if she were so wounded. A modern woman, who knew what she wanted which was a top modeling career, would have taken a calculated risk. She needed Jeff to get her places. He already got her Rochelle, but imagine what more he could doforher.

If only she had stayed, walked toward them with a strut and a sexy smile, stripped and sucked Mike's cock. No. No. No. Eww. But still, everything would be okay. They were all laughing at her now, at her reaction. She threw a couple of plates but they were enamel and didn't break. But the door opening signified the return of her threecaptors.

And they were nothappy.


Where she thoughtEthan would have the most to say, he said nothingatall.

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