Page 2 of Fated To Be King

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I shake my head, not willing to go down that depressing path right now. Especially not when the entire kingdom is preparing for the Queen Ceremony.

People are rushing about, trying to get the final touches in place before everything officially starts in an hour. I do my best to stay out of their way as we head into the study off to the right of the entryway.

“Is Romer here already?” Koda asks. I shake my head.

“No, he called. It’s snowing in the mountains already, and there’s an ice storm. He got stuck before he could make it over, so he’ll hopefully be here in a few days. Probably in time for the ball,” I tell them.

Romer is the King of the area to the south of mine. Koda, Romer, Noah, and I each have a chunk of land, and our castles are set up like the marks of a compass. Koda to the north, me to the east, Romer to the south, and Noah on his island to the west.

Since I’m further inland than the others, I tend to have more tourists and humans living in my kingdom. My pack is also a little smaller than the others because most shifters don’t want to have to worry about a human seeing them shift.

Koda wraps his hand around Salem’s waist, and my wolf paces inside of me. I look away from them quickly before the jealousy can become too strong.

I’m glad that Koda found his mate. I’m happy for him.

I just wish that I could find mine.

I always thought that I would be the first one to do so. I meet the most people since my kingdom is more of a tourist attraction than the rest, and yet, I’m twenty-four and still all alone.

That might not sound too old to be single to some, but for shifters, it’s damn near an eternity. Every year without my mate is more painful than the last. The dull ache in my chest grows with each passing day, and soon, I fear it will swallow me completely.

A knock at the door sounds, and I paste on a smile as Gregory, my top aide, steps into the room.

“We have everything ready, your highness. The gates should be opening to the guests soon.”

I nod, and he bows low before he exits the room, pulling the door closed behind him.

“So, how does this go? The ceremony,” Salem asks.

“All of the eligible women from town are brought here. I’ll meet with them for five minutes each, then it will be narrowed down to the eight that I wish to get to know more about. Then we have a ball on Friday, and I announce if I’ve found my Queen or not.”

Salem nods and she seems just as excited about the ceremony as I do.

“Are you two staying all week here?” I ask them. Koda shakes his head.

“No, we’ll give you space. We’ll be back Friday for the ball, though or if you need anything during the week,” Koda says.

His kingdom is only a few miles away and so it makes sense for him to head home and come back for the big ceremony.

“I guess we should go take our places,” I say with a sigh. Koda nods, clapping me on the shoulder as I turn and lead us down the hallway and into the great room.

We pass the picture of my parents and I when I was younger, and I smile. Just like Koda, I became King and Alpha like my father. The only difference is that I got the title when my parents died, whereas Koda fought his father for it.

My dad was a great King. He was a natural born leader and well-loved amongst everyone in town. He died protecting a pack member from hunters, although the official story is a hunting accident. My mom followed not long after, but that’s common in shifters. Once their fated mate dies, they usually pass soon after. Most people say it’s from a broken heart. Seeing how my mom was for those few days without my father, I would have to agree.

When I took over, I knew I had big shoes to fill. I only hope that I’m making both of my parents proud. To say it’s stressful being King is the understatement of the century. My father always said he couldn’t have ruled without his mate by his side.

My wolf scratches at my throat, but I push him back. I agree with my dad. The task of leading a kingdom is harrowing. And doing it all on my own? Feels impossible most days.

Once again, I shove those thoughts aside and go through the motions of what’s expected of me. Crossing the Great Room, I step up onto the small stage at the head of the room with Salem and Koda right on my heels. They move to the seats to my right and I roll my shoulders back as I sink down into my throne.

I would never tell anyone, but sometimes when I sit down in this seat, I feel like I’m a little kid again, pretending to be King. I keep waiting for my father to laugh and scoop me up in his arms, telling me that it’s not my time yet, but it never happens.

Greg pauses at the entryway, and I nod at him. My wolf leaps to his feet and starts to pace inside of me, and I sigh, gritting my teeth. He nods back, and I try to push any doubts from my head as the gates are opened and the ceremony begins.



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