Page 17 of Fated To Be King

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Malia nods, and I offer her my arm as we head out of her room and down the stairs. My wolf is screaming in my head, demanding that we tell her that she’s ours and mark her, but I hold him in check. Barely.

I need to figure out the best way to bring all of this up. I don’t want to ruin her birthday dinner. I’ll tell her after. We can talk all of this out tonight, and I’ll mark her then.

My wolf isn’t happy with that but he knows that I won’t let him out right now. He won’t do anything to hurt or upset our mate, so he growls in frustration before settling down inside me.

We head into the dining room, and I pull out the chair next to mine. She smiles at me over her shoulder before she sits down, and my heart thumps in my chest.

She’s beyond beautiful. I always thought she was pretty and adorable, but now that I know she’s my mate, I can finally give myself permission to appreciate every little thing about her.

She’s perfect. I don’t know how I could ever think she wasn’t meant to be mine. Even before tonight, my wolf and I knew there was something special about her.

A thought occurs. I’ve been so adamant that my Queen isn’t here, that I wonder if Malia will believe me when I tell her she’s the only person I want next to me on my throne, and in my life.

That’s just the first of my problems, though. She’s still talking about her and Ren’s trip, and about going back home. Will I be able to convince her that she’s supposed to stay here with me?

I mull that over as the first course is set down in front of us.



My birthday dinnerlast night was lovely, just like every other meal we’ve had in this castle. Ryker was acting a bit off, like he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. I didn’t think anything of it, but he’s acting even stranger tonight.

We’ve been friendly, hanging out and joking around with each other all week, but all day today he seemed tense and on edge. He’s radiating anxious energy, and I’ve been trying to cheer him up and put him at ease. I don’t think it’s working.

I know he must be nervous about the ball tonight, signaling the end of the ceremony. I wish I could reassure him that everything is going to be alright, but the truth is, I don’t know if it will be. I never bothered to ask how this whole ceremony thing ends.

Part of me thought Ryker would want me by his side tonight, especially after he said I was gorgeous yesterday. He’s definitely spent more time with me than any of the other women. In fact, Ren told me this afternoon she overheard the other girls complaining that King Ryker never took anyone else on a one-on-one date.

I won’t lie; that piece of information gave me hope that maybe Ryker changed his mind. Maybe he did find his queen, and maybe, just maybe, it was me. My hopes were pretty much dashed as soon as we entered the ball room and he made himself scarce.

It’s like he suddenly can’t get away from me fast enough. If I approach him, he tenses and makes some excuse to leave. He hasn’t even commented on my dress, which is the same shade of blue as his left eye. Some stupid part of me thought he would notice, maybe even compliment me. Clearly, I’ve read this whole situation wrong.

At first, I thought he was just busy with preparing for the festivities tonight, but now that the event is in full swing, I know it’s something else. He’s avoiding me and I can’t figure out why.

It hurts more than it should, considering I’ve only known Ryker for five days. My heart shouldn’t be so inexplicably tied to his already. I thought my crush on him was getting out of hand yesterday when he bought me a stack of books, but there’s something different, more intense about my feelings today.

The rational side of my brain is trying to convince me I’m just emotional because Ren and I will be leaving this magical kingdom soon. Everything else in me, however, is screaming at me to do… I don’t know.Something.

And then I realize what’s going on.

King Ryker must have found his queen after all, and he’s trying to come up with a way to let me down easy. Pain slices through my chest, but I breathe through it, telling myself I need to wait until I’m alone in bed to cry. I have a feeling once I start, I won’t be able to stop.

“What’s that flower called?” Ren asks as she points to the nearest bouquet. The whole ballroom has been stuffed full of flowers. Vases are sitting on every table and even more are lining portions of the floor.

“Calla Lily,” I say, barely sparing the flower a glance. I’m too busy studying Ryker from across the room.

When I first saw the ballroom, I wondered if he did all of this for me, because he knows how much I love plants and flowers. Now I’m thinking it was just a décor decision that the event coordinator made. It was a silly thing to think. Ryker wouldn’t be involved in little decisions like that anyway.

“Are you alright?” Ren asks. I glance over at her, trying to decide if I’m ready to confess my tumultuous feelings.

She’s staring at me in concern, and I let out a sigh. I’ll never keep anything from my bestie.

“I don’t know,” I tell her truthfully. “I thought Ryker and I were getting closer, and I guess, maybe… I mean, I know it’s a long shot, but in my head…”

“You thought he might pick you as his Queen tonight,” she finishes for me. I nod miserably.

“I know it’s dumb. A stupid crush. I mean, he told us over and over that his Queen isn’t here, but I guess my heart didn’t get the message.”

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