Page 1 of Fated To Be King

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“Congratulations on your Queen,uh, finding ceremony,” Salem says. I smile when she turns to her husband and mate, Koda, and whispers, “What’s this thing called again? Do we congratulate him? I don’t understand any of this.”

“No,” Koda says back, smiling down at his girl.

They just met last month when it was his turn to try to find a Queen. I remember how grumpy he was during his own ceremony, and I smile as I see how happy he is now.

Koda had almost given up on finding his mate altogether, and if I’m honest, I was skeptical as well. Then, last month, Salem came crashing into his life, though he nearly ruined his chances with her before they began.

I love my best friend, but he messed up royally when he freaked out about her being human. The idiot locked her in a tower in his castle so he could “come up with a plan.” I told him he was making a huge mistake and he was going to lose his fated mate before he had a chance to claim her.

I was right.

Kind of.

Salemdidescape, and fortunately for everyone involved, she ran right up to my castle gate, begging my guards to let her in. Of course, I provided her shelter and a safe place to regroup. When she insisted I keep Koda away from her, I thought for sure he had lost her for good. Somehow though, he was able to make it right between them, and they’ve been blissfully happy ever since.

I’m thrilled for them. Truly. How could I not be? Koda is my best friend. We’ve been close ever since we were kids, and I know him better than anyone. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t also insanely jealous. Not because of Salem, but rather because of their bond.

Koda nuzzles against her neck, and she grins, giggling as she tries to pull away from him. I look away as my wolf whines inside of me.

I guess finding your fated mate really can change everything. It’s certainly changed Koda. He went from being a grumpy recluse to being a happy, semi-recluse.

Alright, so I guess finding your fated mate can’t changeeverything.

My wolf growls inside me. He wants out so that he can find our fated mate, too. The beast paces around inside my chest, grunting out his frustration. He’s been getting harder and harder to hold back since Koda found Salem, and I know jealousy is fueling his need now more than ever.

I force him to calm down and try to pay attention to Koda and Salem as they whisper to each other about the decorations and food being set up for tonight. I’ve barely seen them in the last month, but that’s not unusual. He’s been busy with his new wife, and I’ve been busy getting ready for my own Queen Ceremony.

My ceremony is a little different from Koda’s. His only lasted for one night, but mine is a whole five days. Five days of group dates, boring dinners, shopping, and other pointless activities designed to help me weed it down to one final girl. My Queen.

Everyone in the kingdom is hoping this will be the year I finally find my mate. They get their hopes up every year, only to have me reject all the potential candidates by the end of the week.

Yeah, it’s no walk in the park for me, either,I think to myself. The last five years we’ve held the Queen Ceremony, I’ve gone into it with at least a spark of hope. This time, however, I don’t think I can handle the disappointment. I’ve already accepted the fact that I’ll be alone for another year.

My kingdom has a lot of humans in it, which is why most people think I’m just being picky by not choosing someone already. They don’t know about shifters and how we have only one fated mate. I’ll know her as soon as I smell her scent, but unfortunately for me, I haven’t met her yet.

My wolf whines, finally giving up his attempt to get me to shift. He circles around once, twice, three times, then curls up, heaving out an exhausted sigh. I get it, buddy. I really, really do. How many more years will we be like this?

“Thanks for coming,” I tell Koda and Salem, brushing away my nerves and thoughts of loneliness.

“Wouldn’t have missed it,” Koda says with a smirk. I roll my eyes, clapping him on the back as we walk further into my castle.

“Just make sure I don’t fall asleep like last year,” I whisper to him. Koda laughs, making me smile.

“Yes, poor Bethany was so concerned when you started nodding off in the middle of the conversation,” he teases.

“She was listing off all the things she would spend money on if she were Queen! Literally told me down to the penny how much she would need for a clothes budget each month. What else was I supposed to do?”

“Nod your head in the appropriate places and then dismiss her, obviously,” Koda retorts.

“I hate this freaking ceremony,” I mutter under my breath. My best friend nods, his gaze more solemn as he looks over at me.

“I know, Ryker. I get it. I don’t have any words of wisdom, just that in the end, it’s worth it all to have your mate by your side.”

I smile at my friend, though I have to swallow down the fear rising in my throat. What if my mate isn’t out there? What if something happened to her before she came of age? What if…

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