Page 92 of Losing Control

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She heard rustling on the other side of the phone again, and then Ryker’s voice was clearer. “Goodnight, Mykie. I’ll take care of everything tomorrow. I just hope you’ll be satisfied with the answers you get.”

They hung up and Mykie laid her head on the couch pillow. Her mind was racing a mile a minute as she thought about what would happen the next day. It was selfish, this request to meet some Vultures and discuss her past with them. What if it got back to Chance, and he thought she didn’t trust him? How would it look to all the Cantil, if she was seen talking to the Vultures?

However, Ryker’s reassuring words in the back of her mind, that they would do this together and he would have her back, helped her calm down. If something went wrong, she would simply explain everything to Chance.

She looked at her door and bit her lip. She knew she said they would wait until the night after the funeral, but after the flirting in the last few days, she couldn’t help but want to be with Caspar. He was leaving to move back in with Renly the next day, and she wouldn’t be able to predict what would happen next. When would she next have such a chance with Caspar? Everything felt like it was coming to a head, like she was on the edge of a cliff, and the only thing she could do was push herself in, headfirst. She knew in the context to her relationship with Caspar, he would be at the bottom, waiting to catch her.

That was the reasoning she had in mind as she pushed her bedroom door open slowly, hoping it wouldn’t creak and wake the man up. Once she was able to slip inside, she closed the door behind her, casting her bedroom in darkness beside the clock light and the small amount of moonlight slipping between her curtains. She was able to see Caspar laying in the middle of her bed under her comforter, and from the bare shoulders sticking out from the top of the blankets, she assumed he was shirtless.

With only a little hesitation, she slipped into bed with him. He stirred as he moved over, giving her room on the edge of the bed. She wasn’t sure if it was her presence that woke him up or her cold feet, but he looked up at her with squinted eyes.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

She answered him with a kiss. She could still taste the drink they had before on his breath, despite him brushing his teeth earlier. It just reminded her how sweet he always tasted, his usual strawberry mixed with the bitterness of the alcohol from earlier.

He kissed her back just as eagerly, sitting up slightly as he leaned on the back of his forearms.

When they eventually pulled away from each other, Caspar reached a hand up and brushed a few of her hairs behind her ear.

“Are you sure you want to do this tonight?”

She nodded. “I don’t want to wait with you anymore.”

He kissed her and all she could think of as they both got naked was what Jezebeth would think if she heard her. The walls were thin, and she was sure that Jezebeth would know exactly what she was up to.

As she laid down on her back, Caspar hovered above her with his hands on either side of her head on the pillow and her thighs on either side of his waist, she found that she didn’t care how much Jezebeth might make fun of her in the morning.

She’d be damned if anyone prevented her from being with one of the men she loved.

When she woke up to her alarm at eight-thirty the next morning in his arms, she couldn’t help but smile as she curled into his still-naked side. She laid there for a moment, thinking of the night they had together. The man she slept with wasn’t the man that she started the evening with, but it didn’t feel strange to her. She suspected that it would happen often; that she would spend her day with one and sleep in bed with another. It was something they would all get used to, she hoped, with time.

She also thought about the day ahead of them. Chance and her presence at Adam’s funeral were almost expected, but she couldn’t help but feel disrespectful to intrude on something meant for close friends and family. Going to the service Madeleine was holding at her house was a different story, however.

She made a last-minute decision and turned over to send a text to Ryker explaining her thoughts. Her phone buzzed in her hand as soon as her text was confirmed that it was sent.

Ryker: If that’s what you want to do, all right. I’ll pick you up at eleven, then, assuming that you don’t know where the house is.

Mykie nodded and set her phone down on her side table. She had more time to get ready now. With a stretch and a gentle shake to Caspar’s shoulder to wake him up, she got up to throw a robe on before heading to the bathroom to start on her hair.

She pulled out Jezebeth's curling iron and the flat iron under the sink, plugging both in so they had time to heat up.

"We're late!" Caspar yelled, coming around the side of the bathroom door frame. His hair was sticking up every which way and he'd thrown boxers on before rushing out of her room, it seemed.

"We aren't late. Ryker and I discussed it this morning, and we decided it would be best to come after the funeral service instead. We need to be ready to go by eleven," she said, watching him through the mirror. She leaned closer to the mirror and with a scrunched nose, raked out the knots with her fingers.

"Thank God," he breathed, leaning against the frame. "I don't think I've ever ran that fast after I saw the time on your clock."

"Don't worry about it." She leaned back and looked over her shoulder at him. "You might as well grab breakfast. I'm going to be in here for a little while."

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" he asked.

She shrugged, turned back towards the mirror, and grabbed her hairbrush. "I'll grab a granola bar before we go. I can’t think about eating right now.”

She saw him staring at her back in the mirror worriedly, but she ignored him. He came into the bathroom and settled behind her, placing his hands on either side of her on the sink. Watching her in the mirror, he leaned down and kissed her where her neck met her shoulder.

“About last night…” he murmured.

“I love you,” she said, turning around in his arms. She hooked her arms around his neck as she looked up at him. “I don’t regret anything about it.”

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