Page 82 of Losing Control

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She wondered if they would have ever met and been dancing in her bedroom if she had not been at the Corner Diner that day. It felt like forever ago that they had met, yet it was only a little more than a month ago.

It was only a loud knock on the front door that broke their moment. Caspar appeared to be reluctant as he let go of her hand.

"Probably should go get the door," he said quietly, taking a step back.

She nodded. "I'll see you later tonight."

She laid a kiss on his cheek before she exited the bedroom. She couldn't help but feel weird as she left one boyfriend--or whatever they were, as they had yet to discuss how they would label each other--in her bedroom to greet another at her front door.

When she opened the door, Corbus greeted her with a smile. He was dressed in blue jeans and a winter jacket with a winter hat on his head.

"I thought about bringing you flowers, but I didn't know what kind you would like," Corbus explained.

Mykie smiled. "That's all right. Just another thing you can learn about me tonight."

She reached behind the door for her jacket. "Ready to go?"

Corbus nodded and took a step back to let her out the door. Once she had her jacket zipped, she stepped out and locked it behind her. As they walked down the hallway of her building, Corbus grabbed her hand. She saw him watching her out of the corner of his eye as she didn’t pull away from him.

"Can I have a hint about where we're going?"

He let go of her hand just long enough to open the front door for her. She walked out first and waited for him to step out before resuming their walk to his car.

“Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’. “All you’re allowed to know is that you’re going to have fun tonight.”

It was a short drive from her apartment to where Corbus was taking her. To say she was stunned when she read the sign atop the building was an understatement.

"Indoor mini-golf?" she asked as they parked. "I didn't even know this was here."

“I didn’t think so,” he said smugly. “I think we both deserve to let off some childish steam, don’t you think?”

Corbus hopped out of the car and before she could move, he had jogged around and held her door open.

“I didn’t get you flowers, but I can at least open the door for you, right?” he said in response as she took his proffered hand to get out. She didn’t let go of his hand once she was standing and she closed the door behind her. He locked the vehicle before he led her over to the front door of the building.

“A classmate of mine works here for extra money and gave me the idea,” he explained as they walked across the parking lot.

“Is it embarrassing to admit that I’ve never gone golfing?” Mykie asked.

Corbus chuckled and held the door open for her, following behind her once she was inside. "I've never gone actual golfing either. The first time I ever did mini-golf was for my after-prom in high school."

She wasn’t expecting the building to feel sowarm. She suspected that with the winter weather, they might have the heat up, but it felt like a sauna inside, similar to how they would heat an indoor pool room. She didn't waste time unzipping her jacket and taking it off.

“Wait, you went to your prom?” she asked after she waited for him to grab everything they would need to play from the desk to the left of the door.

Corbus scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “I didn’t have much of a choice. My mom made me go with a friend of hers’ daughter. I didn’t have much fun, and the next day was even worse because everyone was so tired and cranky.”

"Who decided that the after-prom should be mini-golf?" she asked as she took the club from his hand and set up her ball. "I'm just hitting it toward the hole, right?"

He nodded. “In as few hits as possible.”

“Sounds easy,” she stated.

It wasn’t easy.

Corbus kept talking as she kept trying to get the ball to move in the direction she wanted it to. "It was actually an outdoor adventure park where you could do other things, but it rained that day, so no one really did anything other than the mini-golfing. I just wanted to get my homework done."

“So, you just left your date to do homework?“

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